

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Europe's Languages Charter – 25 years later

To mark the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the European Charter of Regional and Minority Languages by the Council of Europe, diverse MEPs intervened in the European Parliament's Strasbourg Plenary session in their own native languages. The MEPs included President of the EFA Group in the ...
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Press release |

EU countries must not shirk their shared responsibilities towards refugees in Europe

The European Commission has announced that it will start infringement proceedings against Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic in response to their boycotting of the relocation of refugees from Greece and Italy to other Member States. Greens/EFA co-president Ska Keller responds.
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News |

"Do you want Catalonia to be an independent state in the form of a Republic?"

The Catalan government has announced a referendum on independence which will take place on 1 October 2017. EFA MEP Jordi Solé from Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya took the floor at the European Parliament in Strasbourg this week to inform MEPs from across Europe of the Catalan government...
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Video |

World Refugee Day 2017

Every year, on World Refugee Day, our group talks about refugees and the issues they face in Europe and in the world. This time, it will be different
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CCO kayla velasquez
fake news
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Democratic Discourse 2.0

The increased role of intermediaries in a convergent media environment and the rise of so-called “alternative media” raises questions about the future role of traditional media and journalism. Furthermore, the strategic use of algorithms and targeted diffusion of fake news on social media in the context of electoral campaigns show us tha…
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Event |

#WannaCry: Lessons learned for Security and Liability in the Internet of Things

In the beginning of 2017, the European Commission has published a communication on the “Data Economy” that also touches on liability regimes for the internet of things, and has kicked off a public consultation. The conference could pick up on this and focus on security vulnerabilities created by smart devices.
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Video |

Trump’s European voyage of discovery

To mark Donald Trump's first foreign trip as President, here's a hand-picked guide to Europe with some highlights he shouldn't miss. Map and directions included.
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News |

Greens/EFA Round up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary included: food waste; Commission statement: harnessing globalisation by 2025; ECJ ruling on competences of EU vs Member States in FTAs; Council and Commission statements - Making relocation happen; Vote on GMO objections; Situation in Hungary; Money laundering; Conclusions of the European C…
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Press release |

Digital borders in Europe to remain

The European Parliament has today adopted a new regulation that will ensure that Europeans who buy or subscribe to online content services are able to access them when they travel in other EU countries. Services like Netflix and Spotify will now be obliged to enable cross-border portability of their...
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Press release |

European Parliament denounces Member States' failure to relocate refugees

Member States must finally implement the relocation of 160,000 refugees from Greece and Italy. Those Member States that continue to boycott relocation cannot be allowed to get away with their refusal to show solidarity. The Commission must initiate infringement procedures against them.