

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Video |

Legal basis of the Schengen evaluation mechanism

With EU governments seeking to dismantle the EU's Schengen border-free, and trying to exclude the European Parliament from the decision-making, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms slams the EU's Danish presidency for its role in the process
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Press release |

Schengen and border controls

The European Parliament’s civil liberties committee this evening voted on two key legislative files related to the EU’s Schengen border-free system, one related to the reintroduction of border controls (Weber report) and one on the evaluation of Schengen (Coehlo report). The votes come after las...
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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Greens/EFA priorities for next week's Strasbourg Plenary include border controls and preserving Schengen, preferential trade for poor countries, Eurozone economic governance, regulating the global arms trade, illegal Israeli settlements, own resources and the EU budget, safer baby food through EU rules, fixing EU fisheries, Energy saving …
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Video |

50 reasons to reject ACTA

With the European Parliament set to decide on the fate of the controversial ACTA anti-counterfeiting agreement, Green MEPs set out the reasons why they believe the parliament should vote to withhold its consent and reject the agreement. With your help we have put together 50 reasons to reject ACTA. See the video and join the anti-ACTA…
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Press release |

Border controls and Schengen

EU home affairs ministers today decided their position on two key legislative proposals concerning the EU's border-free Schengen system. The Greens hit out at the decisions, which would undermine the essence of Schengen by making the reimposition of border controls and evaluation of Schengen a natio...
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Publication |

Democratic follow-up in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The European Parliament, –   having regard to the Declaration by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on behalf of the European Union, on the electoral process in the Democratic Republic of the Congo of 9 December 2011 (A 507/1/11 REV 1), –   having regard to ...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU appeal for Kurdish activist Leyla Zana

MEPs, including some from the European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament, have called on the EU to intervene in the case of Kurdish activist Leyla Zana.Ms Zana, a human rights activist and member of the Turkish parliament, was sentenced to ten years imprisonment last week on a charge of...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Highlights of the week for the Greens/EFA include events on Rio+20, reindustrialising Europe, research and innovation culture production and consumption and human rights activists in Turkey, as well as upgrading EU rules on credit rating agencies and a Europe wide action against ACTA
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

ACTA rejection welcomed

SNP MEP Alyn Smith has today (Thursday) hailed a vote to reject the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in the European Parliament's Industry Committee (ITRE), of which he is the only Scots member.  The committee vote was for the adoption of a draft opinion by Alyn's group colleague Amel...
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© alengo
Copyright sign © alengo Copyright sign
Press release |

ACTA - anti-counterfeiting treaty

Three European Parliament committees today adopted opinion reports on the controversial ACTA anti-counterfeiting trade agreement (1). The Greens welcomed the outcome of the votes on the different opinion reports recommending that the EP reject ACTA. Greens/EFA MEP and draftsperson for the industry c...