

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

ACTA Diary

July 4th, 2012 - 13:00 - ACTA is defeated. This vote represents a victory for the citizens who mobilised and forced their MEPs to listen. Green MEPs celebrated this by holding up posters in the Hemicycle saying "Hello Democracy, Goodbye ACTA".
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Press release |

CIA rendition and illegal detention

The European Parliament's civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee today adopted a report by Green MEP Hélène Flautre dealing with new revelations of secret detention centres and extraordinary 'renditions' in EU member states. The report, which comes 5 years after an original special in...
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Press release |


Concerns about a democratic roll-back in Romania have been echoed by the Greens, following the recent use of emergency decrees by prime minister Victor Ponta to alter democratic institutions. The group is calling on the European Commission to fully assess the situation and, notably, to take account ...
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Video |

Hello Democracy, Goodbye ACTA

After many years of campaigning by the Greens, the ACTA agreement was finally rejected by the European Parliament. It is a victory for the Citizens of Europe who contacted their MEPs, signed the petitions and marched in the streets. The Greens/EFA group will continue keep a close eye on developments, keep citizens informed and fight for …
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Press release |

ACTA anti-counterfeiting agreement

The European Parliament today voted to refuse its consent to the ratification of the ACTA anti-counterfeiting trade agreement by the European Union (1). The vote to reject ACTA effectively ends the prospect of the EU acceding to the treaty. The Greens/EFA group, which has been active on ACTA since t...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |


SNP MEP Alyn Smith has today (Wednesday) hailed a landslide vote in the European Parliament to reject the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). The Parliament voted to refuse its consent to ACTA with a huge 478 against, 39 in favour. Alyn said: "I am delighted we have said goodbye to ACTA...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Jill acts on ACTA

Today's rejection of the controversial ACTA anti-counterfeiting treaty by the European Parliament has been welcomed by Plaid MEP Jill Evans, who voted against the agreement. There are widespread civil liberties concerns related to the proposed treaty and fears that it will do more harm than good in ...
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Press release |

EU investment fund and insurance rules (UCITS, IMD, PRIPs)

The European Commission today presented three legislative proposals on the regulation of insurance policies, investment funds and packaged retail investment products (1). These three proposals have a broad impact on private and retail investors. The Greens described the proposals as a missed opportu...
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Publication |

Violence against lesbian women and LGBTI rights in Africa

The European Parliament, – having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR), – having regard to the Convention on the Elimination of All for...
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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Greens/EFA priorities for next week's Strasbourg Plenary include promoting rail through better EU rules, animal welfare and EU action, sealing ACTA's fate, the subversion of Schengen, the Syrian crisis and the EU response, illegal fishing and international flagging rules,...