

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Publication |


The European Parliament,      having regard to its previous resolutions on Madagascar, particularly those of 7 May 2009 and of 11 February 2010, –   having regard to the Maputo Accords of 8 and 9 August 2009 and the Addis Ababa Additional Act of 6 November 2...
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Event |

Seeds for a sustainable future

CONFERENCE DOCUMENTATION DG SANCO consultation on review of EU laws on seed marketing: options and analysis paper + Action plan + 12 directives under reviewClaudia OLAZABAL, DG ENVI, European Commission - EU biodiversity strategy presentation (ppt)Maaike RAAIJMAKERS, IFOAM EU - pres...
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Press release |


The European Commission today presented an EU strategy* aimed at fulfilling the EU goal of halting biodiversity loss by 2020, agreed by EU leaders last year. The Greens expressed regret that the strategy offers few concrete commitments for achieving this goal and sub-targets that are inconsistent wi...
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Event |

Hungary at the crossroads

In the context of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU, the Greens in the European Parliament organise a two-day debate in Budapest together with LMP, their sister party in Hungary. Two major issues of concern will be on the agenda: the state of democracy in Hungary which raises legitimate questions and the protection of environment as a me…
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Event |

The role of Europe in fighting deforestation

This round table organised by the Greens/EFA will try and answer some key questions like : what is the state of play of deforestation? What are the political challenges for the EU to successfully combat deforestation? After the EU Timber Regulation, what needs to be done? Is FLEGTworking and how?
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Event |

Land and Sea grabbing in West Africa

Morning 9.00Opening9.30 - 12.30Agricultural policy in West Africa: export or feed the people?Chair and introduction:Ska Keller, Member of the European Parliament, Green, and Amadou Kanouté, Director CICODEV-   Large scale land acquisition  : the case of Senegal , Ibra Mar FAYE, ...
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Publication |

Who should have the right to fish?

Marine resources are a public good, not a private resource. The right to exploit those resources, therefore, should be allocated according to criteria that ensure that fishing contributes as far as possible to the public interest. Greens think that the right to fish should be based on environmental and social criteria.
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Publication |

CAP reform 2013 - Green growth or Green deal?

Greens want a common agricultural and rural policy which enhances the engagement of citizens for environmental protection, animal welfare and fair trade; which recognises the right of farmers and rural workers to gain a decent income for producing healthy food and environmental stewardship they provide to society
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News |

The End of the Road at ICCAT

ICCAT is over for another year and the diplomats have gone home. The entire meeting lasted for nine days and there were no serious discussions on the bluefin fishery on the floor of the meeting until the afternoon of the last day. ICCAT failed spectacularly to salvage its honour on bluefin tuna.
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Press release |

International fisheries talks (ICCAT)

The annual meeting of ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) ended today in Paris after intense, clandestine negotiations. The Greens criticised the outcome on bluefin tuna, with the talks agreeing a total allowable catch far higher than that necessary to protect the species from collapse.