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Press release |


Eurozone finance ministers yesterday evening belatedly agreed to the release of bail out funds for Greece. Commenting on the announcement, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Dany Cohn-Bendit stated: "While it is to be welcomed that Euro finance ministers have finally signed off on the r...
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Press release |

EU budget

The much anticipated budget summit on the EU's multiannual financial framework ended without final agreement but with EU leaders moving towards changes in the overall size and make-up of the budget proposals. The Greens hit out at the “progress”, which not only cuts the ambition of the EU budget...
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Press release |

Glencore and Xstrata Merger

Today the European Commission announced its approval of the merger of the resource companies Glencore and Xstrata. Criticising this fast-track approval, Green industrial policy spokesperson Reinhard Bütikofer (MEP, Germany) stated: "The decision by Commissioner Almunia to give the green light ...
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Press release |

External fisheries

The European Parliament today adopted a report setting out its opinion on the external dimension of fisheries policy. After the vote, the EP draftsperson/rapporteur Greens/EFA MEP Isabella Lövin (Sweden) stated: "While the Commission has taken tentative steps to address the external dimension ...
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Press release |

UN climate talks

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution setting out its position on the forthcoming UN climate summit in Doha (COP18) and its demands for the EU position. Commenting on the outcome, Green MEP Satu Hassi, who will represent the Greens on the EP delegation to the COP18, said: “It is high ...
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Press release |

Gaza conflict

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the current conflict in Gaza, calling for a peaceful resolution of the crisis. The Greens welcomed the EP vote, in particular the support for a Palestinian state and for the state to be granted UN observer status. Commenting after the vote, Green...
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Press release |

Fisheries/shark finning

The Greens welcomed a vote by the European Parliament today supporting proposed legislation to ban shark finning. The Greens have long supported the outlawing of this odious and wasteful fishing practise and welcomed the support of MEPs to support a definitive ban and remove loopholes in the legisla...
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Press release |

Gender equality

A cross-political declaration calling on EU governments, European political parties and EU institutions to take action to achieve gender balance in European decision-making bodies was launched today (1). Over 50 MEPs from five political groups and from all over the EU are signato...
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Press release |

Shale gas and fracking

The European Parliament today adopted a report setting out its opinion on shale gas, notably as regards the health and environment concerns and need for EU regulation (1). The Greens welcomed the Sonik report, which calls for caution, notably a ban in sensitive areas, and underlined the need for tou...
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Press release |

Commission nominee

The European Parliament today voted to confirm the nomination of Tonio Borg to replace John Dalli as EU commissioner, despite significant opposition from MEPs. The Greens/EFA group, which voted against the candidacy of Tonio Borg, expressed its regret but stressed the need for Mr Borg to promote EU ...