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Press release |

Dangerous pesticides

Commenting on the European Commission's proposals to suspend three neonicotinoid insecticides (imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin) Greens/EFA MEP Bart Staes stated:  "We applaud the regulatory action proposed by the European Commission's Directorate General for Health & Con...
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Press release |

4th EU Railway Package

The European Commission today published the long-awaited 4th EU Railway Package. It contains proposals on EU-wide certification and safety procedures, stricter rules for the separation of infrastructure and operations as well as on access to domestic passenger markets. Michael Cramer, transport spok...
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Press release |

Bulgarian nuclear referendum

This weekend's referendum in Bulgaria on whether to allow construction to resume at the Belene nuclear power plant yielded an unclear outcome, as a result of a low turnout (under 22%) and failure to reach the required quorum (60%). The low turnout can in part be explained by the decision of voters t...
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Press release |

EU rules on concessions

The European Parliament's internal market committee today voted on new EU legislation on the award of concessions (1). The Greens voted against the outcome, expressing concern about the potential impact on the provision of basic public services, like water. Commenting after the vote, Green internal ...
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Press release |

EU agricultural policy

The European Parliament agriculture committee today concluded its voting on 4 key legislative proposals aimed at reforming the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. The Greens expressed regret at the outcome, which the group regards as a missed opportunity for the fundamental reform the CAP needs. After ...
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Press release |

Bee crisis and insecticides

populations and the impact of insecticides, the Greens have called for a ban on controversial neonicotinoid insecticides and other systemic neurotoxins. With the European Food Safety Authority having last week published a report highlighting concerns with neonicotinoids (1), and the European Environ...
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Press release |

UK-EU relationship

Reacting to the speech by David Cameron on the UK's relationship with the European Union, co-president of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament Dany Cohn-Bendit said: "It is clearly up to UK citizens to decide whether or not they want to remain in the European Union but David Cameron ...
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Press release |

Financial transaction tax

EU economic and finance ministers today approved proposals for the launch of an enhanced cooperation procedure, with a view to introducing a financial transaction tax for an initial group of 11 EU member states (1). The EU Commission is now expected to present proposals on the detail of this new tax...
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Press release |

EU emissions trading

Reacting to analysis that a further drop in the EU carbon price (the price for EU emissions allowances) is placing the EU's emissions trading scheme at risk of collapse and ahead of key votes in the European Parliament on measures to address the oversupply of emissions allowances (1), Green climate ...
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Press release |

Eurogroup chairpersonship

Finance ministers from the 17 Euro member states are set to confirm Dutch finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem as the new chair of the Eurogroup - replacing Jean Claude Juncker - at today's Eurogroup meeting. Commenting on the decision, Green finance spokesperson Sven Giegold said: “Eurogroup fina...