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Press release |

ITER nuclear fusion project

The European Parliament's lead budgetary control committee refused to recommend granting a discharge (1) to the EU budget line for the ITER nuclear fusion project in a vote yesterday evening. The report voted by the committee highlighted concerns with cost overruns, delays and mismanagement. Comment...
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Press release |

EU-US TTIP negotiations/ISDS

<xml> </xml> EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström attended the European Parliament's trade committee today to present the conclusions of the EU Commission on the role of the controversial investor-state dispute settlement mechanism (ISDS) in the context of the EU-US TTIP t...
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Press release |

EU tax rules

The European Commission today outlined its 'tax transparency package'. Commenting on the proposals, Greens/EFA co-president Philippe Lamberts said: "The Commission promised a tax transparency 'package' but what it has presented today is a pretty empty package, with one concrete legislative prop...
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Press release |

EU summit

EU heads of state and government will meet for a summit on Thursday and Friday, with proposals for a European energy union and relations with Russia at the top of the agenda. Ahead of the summit, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts said: "The energy union should be a f...
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Press release |

Tax justice

Responding to widespread anger about corporate tax avoidance and its impact on inequality and poverty, and concerns that current tax reform processes are inadequate, a new nonpartisan body—the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT)—has been established...
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Press release |

Counter terrorism

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on EU cooperation with third countries on counter-terrorism. Commenting after the vote, Greens/EFA foreign affairs spokesperson Alyn Smith said:"The protection of human rights cannot be an afterthought for the EU in its cooperation with third c...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the situation in Russia, following the murder of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. Commenting after the vote, Green foreign affairs spokesperson Tamás Meszerics said:"The brutal and tragic murder of Russian opposition leader Boris Ne...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today voted to adopt a report assessing the situation in Kosovo, drafted by Green MEP and EP vice-president Ulrike Lunacek. Commenting after the vote, Ulrike Lunacek stated: “MEPs have today given a clear message of support for Kosovo and for it to be given a meaningful per...
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Press release |

Transparency and anti-corruption

The European Parliament today adopted a report on the fight against fraud. The report included a clear call on the European Commission to bring forward a legislative proposal on the protection of whistleblowers. After the vote, Green transparency spokesperson Benedek Javor said: "It is high ...
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Press release |

EU data protection rules

<xml> </xml> EU justice and home affairs ministers will discuss proposals to revise EU legislation on data protection at their Council meeting on Friday. A number of EU governments have tabled new provisions, including a proposal to allow businesses or national authorities to use consume...