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Press release |


Commenting on the outcome of the Eurogroup meeting, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts said: “Despite the improvements in tone of the negotiations and the fact that they have accelerated over the last few weeks, major concerns remain. Lack of meaningful progress in these...
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Press release |

Dalli v Commission

Commenting on today's ruling by the European Court of Justice on the case brought by former European Commissioner John Dalli against the European Commission, Greens/EFA MEP Bart Staes, member of the Budgetary control committee, said:  "We regret that Dalli lost this case against the Europ...
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Press release |

UK election

Commenting on the outcome of the UK election, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts said: "The outcome of the UK's election is clear. While we congratulate David Cameron, his re-election brings with it an enormous responsibility for the direction of the UK, its rel...
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Press release |

Corporate tax transparency

The European Parliament's legal affairs committee today voted on draft EU legislation on shareholder rights. MEPs supported a proposal by the Greens/EFA group to strengthen corporate tax transparency by introducing a country-by-country reporting obligation for corporations as part of the draft shar...
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Press release |

ISDS/EU trade policy

EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström will attend the European Parliament's trade committee today and present preliminary proposals for reforming the controversial investor-state dispute settlement mechanism (ISDS) in the context of trade agreements. Commenting on the meeting and leaked d...
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Press release |

Digital Single Market

The European Commission will today present a communication outlining its proposals for the Digital Single Market. Commenting on a leaked draft of the proposals Green digital rights spokesperson Jan Philipp Albrecht said: “The much-heralded Digital Single Market project for Europe looks set to be...
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Press release |

Emissions trading

The European Parliament and EU governments in Council this reached agreement on proposals aimed at addressing the oversupply of emissions allowances in the EU's emissions trading scheme, notably a proposed 'market stability reserve' (1). Commenting on the agreement, Green climate change spokesperson...
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Press release |

European Investment Bank

The European Parliament today adopted a report drafted by Green MEP Ernest Urtasun assessing the activities of the European Investment Bank in 2013. The report highlights concerns with transparency and accountability, as well as regarding some of the projects funded by the EIB. After the vote, Green...
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Press release |

Mediterranean migration crisis

The European Parliament today debated the ongoing crisis involving refugees in the Mediterranean and adopted a resolution on the EU's response. After the vote, Green migration spokesperson Judith Sargentini said: "The European Parliament has today sent a clear and strong signal that EU governme...
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Press release |

European public prosecutor

The European Parliament today voted by a large majority to adopt the interim report on the European Commission proposal for a European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO). Commenting on the vote, Jan Philipp Albrecht, Greens/EFA spokesperson on justice and home affairs, stated: "The European Parl...