

array(8) { ["url"]=> string(60) "files/assets/imgs/list/ervin-lukacs-smyqb3i9bna-unsplash.jpg" ["title"]=> NULL ["alt"]=> NULL ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1682330900) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "0ddda4e4d42c52b7275c8ff5026cdbe3.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(37) "ervin-lukacs-sMyQb3i9bNA-unsplash.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "" ["list"]=> string(51) "" ["photo"]=> string(52) "" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "" } }
Press release |

Parliament leaders write to Commission over draconian draft laws on teachers & whistleblowing

The leaders of the main political groups in the European Parliament, on the initiative of the Greens/EFA Group have co-signed a call to the Commission on the Hungarian government's law targeting teachers, and the whistleblower law, which could be used against the LGBTIQ community.
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Press release |

First time regulation of crypto space breakthrough for consumer protection & the fight against money laundering

For the first time, MEPs have voted through the outcome of two key files regulating the crypto sphere. The Transfer of Funds Regulation and Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation are the first major regulations to address the lack of transparency in the sector and provide greater security to investors, while mitigating risks of money launder…
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Press release |

European Parliament approves regulation protecting forests

The European Parliament has approved the Deforestation regulation, which requires companies to ensure that their products sold in the EU are deforestation-free. The regulation improves the initial Commission proposal by widening the scope to additional products, something the Greens/EFA group was instrumental in pushing for.
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Rotterdam port
Press release |

European Parliament approves catalyst for cleaner production

An overwhelming majority of MEPs have approved the outcome of trilogue negotiations for the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The Greens/EFA welcomes the agreement, which will mean that companies have to pay CO2 offsets for production outside the EU.
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© marek-piwnicki
Smoking chimney in Poland
Press release |

EP approves biggest reform to reduce CO2 emissions in Europe

A majority of the Members of the European Parliament gave their final approval on the results of the trilogues on the European Emissions Trading System (ETS) and Social Climate Find (SCF). The reform will incentivise the energy and industrial sectors to fully decarbonize.
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Press release |

Plenary Flash 17-20 April, 2023

On the agenda for the plenary session: Fit for 55, Strengthening EU Chemical legislation, imported deforestation regulation, Markets in Crypto Assets and EU-China relations.
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Press release |

MEPS demand ban on extreme greenhouse gases

The European Parliament has voted to end Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases, or F-gases, extreme greenhouse gases that are often many thousands of times stronger than CO2. These gases are found in refrigerators, air conditioners, heat pumps or the high-voltage grid, among other things.
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Press release |

Renewable Energy Directive

Greens/EFA shadow Ville Niinistö will participate in the scheduled final negotiations (“trilogue”) on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). The main divisive items on the table are the headline ambition target for renewable energy and the sustainability framework for bioenergy.
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Press release |

European Parliament poised to recognize ecocide

On the initiative of the Greens/EFA Group, the European Parliament recognises ‘ecocide’ as "any conduct causing severe and widespread, or severe and long-term, or severe and irreversible damage" to the environment, specifically addressing environmental damage resulting from armed conflicts, such as the destruction of forests.
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Press release |

Final Council agreement on the combustion engine phase out

"The end of the internal combustion engine is confirmed. Finally, the reckless blockade ends, along with the future of the combustion engine. The compromise, which was reached months ago, is clear: in 2035 we will definitely move on from polluting cars to zero-emission transport only." said Co-Presidents of the Greens/EFA Group