Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Commission misses chance to make climate protection the engine of job creation

Today, the European Commission presented its revised Industrial Strategy. Unfortunately, the Commission falls short of the European Parliament's demands for a strategy that puts industrial transformation as the driver of the Green Deal.
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European Parliament building Brussels © European Union 2019 - Source : EP
European Parliament building Brussels © European Union 2019 - Source : EP
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Greens/EFA debriefing of the plenary session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, Russia, the Digital Green Certificate, the successful vote on the Rights & Values and Justice Programmes and the 2019 Discharge debates.
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Photo by YUCAR FotoGrafik on Unsplash
The sea
Press release |

New revelations show Frontex working with Libyan Coast Guard

Revelations from a team of journalists, appears to show that the EU border Agency Frontex is coordinating with the Libyan Coast Guard to engage in illegal "pullbacks", stopping refugees and migrants from crossing the Mediterranean into Europe. The Libyan Coast Guard has been accused of multiple human rights violations. Frontex had previou…
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Press release |

EU guarantee against child poverty: Quote from Katrin Langensiepen

Today (Thursday 29 April), the results of the vote on the resolution on the EU guarantee against child poverty will be announced (from 16:30). A large cross-party majority is expected. Ahead of the European Social Policy Summit on 7 May, the resolution aims to call on EU governments to guarantee all children in the European Union free acc…
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Press release |

Strict rules must continue to apply to new forms of genetic engineering

Today, the European Commission has presented its study on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), pointing out that new genomic techniques could reduce the use of pesticides, in line with the objectives of the Green Deal and the Farm-to-Fork Strategy. The main conclusion of the study is that existing GMO legislation is outdated and unfit f…
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Budget © nobiggie
Press release |

EU Budget: Lack of transparency around agricultural spending & conflicts of interest damage confidence in EU decision making

This week, MEPs are voting on 52 separate 'discharge reports' on the various EU institutions and agencies for 2019. The Discharge procedure is a chance to examine EU spending and verify whether the EU budget has been used efficiently and legally. The votes on the Discharge reports come days after the Commission released its long awaited a…
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Press release |

China - Plenary debate on Chinese sanctions against EU citizens & bodies

MEPs will debate the Chinese leadership's response to the targeted sanctions against those responsible for human rights violations against the Uighur population in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, agreed by EU Foreign Ministers on 22 March. The Chinese government's response was to impose sanctions against Greens/EFA MEP and Chair of the Eu…
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Press release |

Russia: Plenary debate on Navalny, Ukraine & Czechia - quotes from Sergey Lagodinsky & Markéta Gregorová

Today (28th April) at 15:00, Members of the European Parliament will debate the case of Alexei Navalny, Russian military actions on the Ukrainian border, and the role of Russian intelligence officers in the 2014 explosion of a weapons depot in the Czech Republic. The resolution will be voted on tomorrow and the results of the vote will be…
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Press release |

Parliamentary Immunity lifted for Greek neo-Nazi MEP Ionannis Lagos – Quote from Marie Toussaint MEP

Today, Members of the European Parliament voted by a large majority of 655, to waive the immunity of MEP Ioannis Lagos, former leader of the neo-Nazi "Golden Dawn" party, who was sentenced in October by the Greek courts to 13 years in prison for "leading and belonging to a criminal organization." Several members of the neo-Nazi party, whi…
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Press release |

Rights & Values and Justice Programmes essential to support rule of law

Today, the European Parliament will debate and adopt two key programmes as part of the Justice, Rights and Values Fund, aimed at supporting the rule of law and a strong and independent justice system. The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme 2021-2027, with Greens/EFA rapporteur Alice Bah Kuhnke, focuses on promoting, stre…