Our parliamentary work

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News |

Join the food revolution

Food is essential. We need it for our lives, health and well being.Good food is political. And as such we need a good food policy that includes the right of the poor to feed themselves; that reflects the sustainability and diversity of agriCultures and that shares responsibilities between farmers,...
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Press release |

Lisbon Treaty

The Greens/EFA Group have welcomed the German Constitutional Court's judgment dismissing constitutional objections to the Lisbon Treaty.
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Press release |


Greens/EFA Vice-President Raül Romeva has condemned the military coup in Honduras and has demanded that the EU calls off planned trade talks with Honduras in July.
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Pirate Party

Following negotiations, the Greens/EFA Group and the Swedish 'Pirate Party' have confirmed that elected Pirate Party MEP Christian Engström will join the Greens/EFA Group for the upcoming European Parliament legislature.
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Press release |

Nuclear safety

Commenting on today's Environment Council decision on the EU legislative nuclear safety proposal, Rebecca Harms, Co-President of the Greens/EFA-Group, said: "EU governments are washing their hands of real responsibility for nuclear safety. This empty shell of a Directive is a gift to Nicol...
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Press release |

European Free Alliance Group

Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans has become First Vice President of the Green/European Free Alliance Group (EFA) in the European Parliament. Ms Evans was elected as President of EFA which has formed a joint group with the Greens since 1999 and automatically becomes the First Vice President of th...
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

EP Vice-President

The Greens/EFA Group today selectedIsabelle Durant as its candidate for a European Parliament Vice-President post. Ms. Durant is a newly elected Green MEP and Co-President of 'Ecolo', the francophone Belgian Green party. She was previously Belgian deputy prime minister and transport minister.&...
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Publication |

Iran: Shirin Ebadi addresses Greens/EFA Group

Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi today addressed members of the new Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, underlining the right of the Iranian people to protest peacefully.
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Agriculture MEP heads to Highland show - nominated in Scottish Farmer Awards

SNP MEP Alyn Smith will be meeting with stakeholders from across the agriculture sector as well as enjoying the craic when he visits the Highland Show in Ingliston this week. Smith will be there formally on Thursday and Friday to meet with stakeholders, and have a more relaxed day on Saturday.Mr Smi...
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Greens/EFA 'Bureau'

The Greens/EFA Group today elected Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Rebecca Harms were elected as Co-Presidents, together with seven Vice-Presidents.