Our parliamentary work

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Publication |


Greens/EFA strongly condemn the excessive force, arbitrary arrests and alleged torture in the repression of protests over the disputed Iranian presidential elections. They reaffirm their absolute opposition to the use of the death penalty and deplore the systematic restriction of the freedom of information.
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Publication |

Democracy Building in the EU's External Relations

Greens/EFA recommend the Council conclusions to include concrete and practical suggestions for improving coordination of democracy support in the EU foreign, human rights and development policy instruments; they also consider that the embedding of democracy and democratic processes in third countries offers the best prospects for developi…
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Publication |


The Greens/EFA resolution condemns the brutal attacks against peaceful demonstrators by security and armed forces and all acts of sexual violence during the repression. Greens/EFA welcomes arms embargo against Guinea and the setting-up of an international commission of enquiry, and call on the authorities and the military Junta to immedia…
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Publication |

EU-US Summit

Tabled by Pascal Canfin, Reinhard Bütikofer, Yannick Jadot, Nicole Kiil-Nielsen and Barbara Lochbihleron behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, having regard to its previous resolutions on transatlantic relations, in particular its two resolutions of 1 June 2006 on improving EU-US ...
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Press release |

Telecoms package negotiations

The current discussion on Amendment 138 is an acid test of the European parliament's will to uphold citizens fundamental rights. The basic principle of 'innocent until proven guilty' must be guaranteed.
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Press release |

SNP MEP urges success on European farm price and margin observatory

SNP MEP and member of the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee Alyn Smith has today (Wednesday) urged fellow MEPs to back his amendment to the EU budget creating a "European Farm Prices and Margin Observatory" with a budget of 1.5million euro to report upon the gap between the price...
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News |

Strasbourg Flash October 2009

Priorities for the Greens include the Council and Commission statements on climate change and developing countries as well as on the preparation of EU summit 29-30 October. The vote on resolution on freedom of information in Europe and in Italy is also an highlight. Greens/EFA also organise a debate on Guinea and a film screening about Si…
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Press release |


Today, the European Commission published progress reports on the progress of Western Balkan countries towards EU accession. The Greens/EFA Group is calling on the EU to step up its efforts towards the European integration of the region.Commenting on the Croatia report, Franziska Brantner – German G...
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Press release |


The Commission's report underlines "limited progress" made by Turkey. It is true that democratisation initiatives are yet to be realised. Freedom of association, the right to trade union membership, freedom of expression and of the press and an independent justice system all remain priorities for reform.
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Press release |

Brazilian beef still leaves bad taste in Brussels

SNP Member of the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee Alyn Smith has today (Tuesday) hailed a decision by the Agriculture Committee to haul the European Commission back to the floor of the full Parliament in Strasbourg to justify the continued refusal to ban Brazilian beef imports on grounds...