Our parliamentary work

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Thumbs up for new agriculture Commissioner

SNP MEP and member of the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee Mr Alyn Smith has today (Friday) given his thumbs up to the Romanian Commissioner-Designate for Agriculture, Dacian Ciolo?.Mr Ciolo? was present in the Parliament for his official hearing in front of the Agriculture Committee, whe...
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Environment and Energy Council

EU environment and energy ministers meet in Seville 14-17 January, with the outcome of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen and the next steps for international climate policy at the top of their agenda. Green MEPs have called on them to restore the EU's proclaimed climate leadership.
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Oettinger hearing

Commenting after the European Parliament hearing of EU energy commissioner-designate Günter Oettinger (Germany), Luxembourg Green MEP and Greens/EFA energy spokesman Claude Turmes said:"Günter Oettinger strongly advocated an environmentally responsible EU energy policy today. We particularly welco...
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Environment Commissioner hearing

Janez Poto?nik made some promising statements during his hearing for his candidacy as EU environment commissioner. The Greens hope he will back up his statements with action.
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Radioactive foodstuffs

The EP industry and energy committee today adopted a report on EU rules on the radioactive contamination of foodstuffs (1). MEPs called for the legal base to be changed to ensure the European Parliament is a co-legislator on the proposal (2). Green MEPs believe the maximum permitted levels of radio...
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EU Commissioner hearings

Green MEPs were unsatisfied with Commissioner-delegate Rumiana Jeleva's responses to questions regarding declaration of her business interests and on the dossier she has been assigned in the European Commission.
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Ashton hearing

Greens/EFA foreign affairs spokespersons have criticsed Catherine Ashton for lacking vision and being weak on specifics, following her hearing in the European Parliament. They welcomed however her willingness to engage with NGOs worldwide on human rights issues.
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Russia - human rights

82 year-old Ludmila Alexeyeva - 2009 Sakharov Prize winner and Chair of the Russia Helsinki Committee - was among 50 protestors and bystanders arrested and detained for several hours for participating in a peaceful protest in Moscow on New Year's Eve. Although they have been released, the protestors face possible further action.
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In a surprise move, the Iranian ambassador in Brussels - Ali Asghar Khaji - yesterday blocked the planned 7-11 January visit to Iran by a delegation of MEPs representing seven of the European Parliament's political groups. Barbara Lochbihler, German Green MEP and Chair of the EP's delegation to Iran...
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EU Environment Council

The EU Environment Ministers came up with no solution today, nor even a vision on how to resolve the climate impasse after Copenhagen. The EU needs to return to its original plan to seize a leadership role in the negotiations. To do that, it must once and for all decide to unconditionally reduce our own emissions by 30% compared to 1990.