Our parliamentary work

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© Stefano Gaggero? infrastructure funding
Press release |

New rights for bus and coach passengers welcomed

SNP MEP and Party President Ian Hudghton has welcomed today's vote in the European Parliament to improve the rights of bus and coach passengers.  The SNP MEP said that the new EU law would be particularly important for improving services for disabled users of bus and coach services.  The n...
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Press release |

Radioactive contaminated foodstuffs

The European Parliament today adopted a report on the revision of EU rules on the radioactive contamination of foodstuffs (1). MEPs voted for the legal base to be changed to make the EP a co-legislator on the proposal (2). The Greens welcomed the call to change the legal base, however regretted the ...
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Publication |

Study on Rare Earths and Their Recycling

During recent years technological innovations resulted in manifold applications using rare earths which lead to a steep increase in their demand. A relevant share of the increasing demand is caused by so-called “green technologies”. The action in the fields of recycling should be started now without further delay as it will take a mini…
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Video |

Green cities happy people

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Publication |

Situation in Egypt

The Greens/EFA call for the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and consider that this act would pave the way and facilitate the transition process that should lead to the formation of an interim government involving all democratic forces and civil society actors with a view to guaranteeing urgent, concrete and decisive measur…
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Publication |

Media law in Hungary

The European Parliament, –   having regard to Articles 2, 6 and 7 of the Treaty on European Union, Articles 49, 56, 114, 167 and 258 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and Article 10 of the E...
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(39) "files/assets/imgs/list/30434.russia.jpg" ["title"]=> string(12) "30434.russia" ["copyright"]=> string(18) "© Nicholas Belton" ["updated_at"]=> int(1481898757) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "e529ddc956717af1569f3d0403082610.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(50) "" ["list"]=> string(49) "" ["photo"]=> string(50) "" ["portrait"]=> string(53) "" } ["alt"]=> string(12) "30434.russia" }
© Nicholas Belton
Publication |

Rule of law in Russia

The European Parliament, –   having regard to its previous resolutions on the Russian Federation with regard, in particular, to the ones of 17 September 2009, 12 November 2009, 17 June 2010 and 21 October 2010, –   having rega...
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(50) "files/assets/imgs/list/european_flag_530x390_6.jpg" ["title"]=> string(21) "European flag 530x390" ["copyright"]=> string(18) "© Alexander Briel" ["updated_at"]=> int(1481898759) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "0891e73ed8b8e89e606fcdd4f6752967.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(50) "" ["list"]=> string(49) "" ["photo"]=> string(50) "" ["portrait"]=> string(53) "" } ["alt"]=> string(21) "European flag 530x390" }
© Alexander Briel
European flag 530x390
Publication |

Europe 2020

The European Parliament, –   having regard to the Commission’s communication ‘EU 2020: a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’, –   having regard to the Commission’s communication ‘Annual Growth Survey: advancing the EU’s comprehensive re...
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(47) "files/assets/imgs/list/37696_field_of_wheat.jpg" ["title"]=> string(20) "37696 field of wheat" ["copyright"]=> string(15) "© David Hughes" ["updated_at"]=> int(1481898764) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "5b6d07c0466b520ff82a193df9e24220.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(50) "" ["list"]=> string(49) "" ["photo"]=> string(50) "" ["portrait"]=> string(53) "" } ["alt"]=> string(20) "37696 field of wheat" }
© David Hughes
37696 field of wheat
Publication |

Rising food prices

The European Parliament, –    having regard to warnings of FAO on 3 February 2011 on globally rising food prices, –    having regard to its resolution of 26 March 2009 on ‘food prices in Europe’, focusing on the consequences of rising food prices on suffici...
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Video |

GMOs in animal feed