Our parliamentary work

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Publication |

Reducing transport noise

THE HEALTH AND LIFE QUALITY OF MORE THAN  70 MILLION EU CITIZENS ARE PUT AT STAKE BY HARMFUL NOISE LEVELS FROM ROAD, RAIL AND AIRCRAFT THE CURRENT SITUATION EU legislation is currently divided into transport aspects (reducing noise at the source) and environmental policy (passive protectio...
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Publication |

Rethink EU transport infrastructure

WHAT ARE THE TEN-T? The Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) are a project of the European Union to co-fund the establishment of a transport infrastructure connecting all EU Member States. Ever since its first conception however, a contradiction exists between the number and size of projects an...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include the committee votes on organised crime, on risky medical devices, on emissions trading scheme. Two Greens/EFA events: 'The law of the seed' public debate and press conference with Vandana Shiva & an event in the framework of the mobility week 'Sustainable 2 Wheels'
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary included the reports on the climate impact of biofuels, the right of access to a lawyer, innovative, sustainable transport technologies, supervising European banks, mortgages, eel stocks under threat, covert surveillance and threats to media freedom, preserving endangered languages in Euro…
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News |

Lobbying and transparency

Another plenary week, another list of successes for dirty lobbyists in the European Parliament. With the sound of popping corks ringing around the offices of public affairs and industry representatives in Brussels, let's take a look back at their 'achievements' of this week, with the help of their c...
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Press release |

Eastern Europe and Russia

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the Eastern Partnership, and the pressure these countries are facing from Russia. After the vote, Greens/EFA foreign affairs spokesperson Werner Schulz commented: "MEPs today sent a message of solidarity to the Eastern Partnership countries ...
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News |

Youth in Crisis

A lost generation, a forgotten generation. MEPs sent mixed messages today to young people across Europe suffering from the effects of the crisis. We have ended up allocating too little money for too many years while imposing policies that only make matters worse. Saying “Try harder; here is a litt...
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Video |

State of play in the negotiations on the European Banking Union

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Video |

Situation in Egypt

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Video |

Youth Unemployment

Telling young people “you must try harder and we’ll provide you with better training” is not a sufficient response to the massive challenge that the EU is currently facing. Instead, Member States and the EU should go further and look at job creation for young people and immediately end any measures which are counterproductive to youth emp…