Our parliamentary work

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Video |

Labeling of honey, GMOs & bee health

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Video |

Public procurement

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Video |

Carbon capture and storage technology

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Video |

CO2 Emissions from new light commercial vehicles

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Press release |

Financial and investment rules (MiFID)

The European Parliament and Council today reached agreement on proposals to revise EU legislation on markets in financial instruments (MiFID/MiFIR). The Greens welcomed improvements on market transparency and high-frequency trading (HFT), as well as on curbing speculation, through the use of derivat...
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News |

Europe at heart

What is going on with the European project? Whereas a lot of Europeans feel at lost and in distress regarding the EU, many outsiders still see Europe as a place of refuge and longing. New hopes alternate with feelings of despair among many in the European Union. New and old cleavages between North and South are opening up. Is the project …
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Basque Political Prisoners - latest developments

Last Tuesday when we decided to call this press conference in order to give our opinion on the document released by the Basque Political Prisoners Collective last December, 28th, we were aware of the demonstration that had been called for last Saturday in support of Basque prisoners. However, we did...
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News |

Carbon capture and storage technology

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Press release |

Plastic waste

The European Parliament today adopted a report including a series of recommendations dealing with the problem of plastic in the environment. Commenting after the vote, Greens/EFA MEP Margrete Auken, the parliament's rapporteur/draftsperson for forthcoming EU legislation on single-use plastic bags, s...
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Press release |

Van CO2 emissions

The European Parliament today voted to confirm a legislative agreement on rules setting CO2 emissions limits for light commercial vehicles (vans). The Greens expressed regret about the lack of ambition in the outcome, which merely confirms previously set limits for 2020 (1). Commenting after the vot...