Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Civil liberties must be safeguarded in fight against terror

MEPs in Strasbourg on Tuesday debated progress on security issues, with new European Commissioner for the Security Union, Sir Julian King. President of the EFA Group in the European Parliament, Josep-Maria Terricabras, took part in the debate and emphasised the need to protect and defend human ri...
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News |

Why the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base is much more than a cryptic acronym

CCCTB: Say hello to the new acronym in town. It stands for Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base and while it might sound boring, it’s actually something quite revolutionary.
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Press release |

Work Programme

The European Parliament will today debate the Commission’s Work Programme for 2017.Speaking ahead of the debate, the co-president of the Greens/EFA group Philippe Lamberts said:"While the Commission is focusing on many of the right things, the measures proposed fall far short of what is ...
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Press release |

Corporate Taxation

MEPs will today debate the European Commission’s new proposal for a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB). Commenting ahead of the debate, Green economic and finance spokesperson Molly Scott Cato said: “The way we currently tax companies, treating subsidiaries from the same company as ...
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Publication |

Situation of journalists in Turkey

Tabled by Rebecca Harms, Bodil Valero, Ernest Maragall, Ska Keller, Barbara Lochbihler, Benedek Jávor, Ulrike Lunacek, Ernest Urtasun on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, –  having regard to its previous resolutions on Turkey, in particular that of...
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Video |

The Citizens' CETA Summit

Greens/EFA MEPs, politicians, citizens, civil society, local and public representatives from the EU and Canada united against the controversial CETA deal by holding a counter-summit in the European Parliament.
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News |

Hearing of Alexander Dobrindt, Olaf Lies and Ségolène Royal

Hearing with German Transport Ministers Alexander Dobrindt and Olaf Lies (20 October), upcoming hearing with Minister Ségolène Royal (presumably in November)
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Publication |

Nuclear security and non-proliferation

Tabled by Klaus Buchner, Bodil Valero, Ulrike Lunacek, Molly Scott Cato, Sven Giegold, Barbara Lochbihler, Bart Staes on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, –  having regard to its resolution of 17 January 2013 on the Recommendations of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (N...
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Publication |

For an EU Car Emission & Safety Agency

The revision of the EU type-approval framework for cars is currently being discussed in the European Parliament in the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO). This reform has been put forward by the European Commission in the aftermath of the scandal on diesel emissions and turn-off devices. While the Greens/EFA welco…
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©Vincent Eisfeld
Alexander_Dobrindt©Vincent Eisfeld
Publication |

Hearing of Mr Alexander Dobrindt

Hearing of Mr Alexander Dobrindt - Federal Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Germany