Our parliamentary work

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Ruben de Rijcke (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Car emissions
Press release |

A step in the right direction, but Parliament fails to deliver independent EU oversight

The European Parliament has voted on both the findings and recommendations of the Dieselgate inquiry committee and the draft legislation on type approval of vehicles. The Greens/EFA group was instrumental in securing an inquiry into Dieselgate.
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Video |

Dieselgate scandal could have been prevented

An independent agency would create much greater transparency, bringing any wrongdoing on the part of car manufacturers out into the open, and forcing the Commission to take action
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Press release |

Panama Papers

Today marks the one year anniversary of the publication of the Panama Papers by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). It is time for EU Member States to stop blocking progress on tackling tax evasion and money laundering
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News |

One-year anniversary of the Panama Papers scandal

One year ago today, over 100 investigative journalists working together from 80 countries, published the biggest leak in history, the Panama Papers. The release of 11.5 million documents and thousands of press articles allowed the world to understand the global scandal of tax evasion and money laundering.
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Video |

Palm oil and deforestation of rainforests

The European Parliament is showing the way forward on how to help protect the world’s rainforests from the devastation currently being caused by reckless palm oil production
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News |

Europe needs independent oversight to prevent another Dieselgate

The Dieselgate inquiry is at and end and its come forward with some important recommendations about how to stop further cheating. One of the key demands is the establishment of an independent agency to monitor the market. Bas Eickhout writes on the battle to make sure this happens.
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Press release |

Brexit must not undermine the EU’s binding principles

"We will be sorry to see the UK go. However, the decision of one member to leave should not put all of Europe’s shared achievements at risk. We will not allow Brexit to undermine the basic principles that bind the EU. " The Greens/EFA co-presidents react to the triggering of Article 50.
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beakers gmo
News |

GM maize for cultivation

With a clear majority of Member States voting against the cultivation of three GM maize varieties within the EU on Monday 27 March, it should now be clear to the European Commission that it is time to withdraw its proposals. But is the Commission paying attention?
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© Alexander Briel
European flag 530x390
Press release |

Today is a sad day for the European project

Following the triggering of Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union today, which begins the Brexit process, Josep-Maria Terricabras, President of the EFA Group in the European Parliament said that an inevitably difficult and complicated negotiation now lies ahead in order to try and reach an agreement.
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Publication |

Countering antigypsyism in Europe

Although EU institutions and Member States have taken a range of measures to promote the social inclusion of disadvantaged Roma in Europe, there has been no substantial improvement in the situation over the last decade. Many Roma in Europe continue to face poverty, social exclusion, discrimination and violent racism.