Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

'We must see more seriousness from the UK'

Speaking in today's debate in the European Parliament on the state of play in the Brexit negotiations, SNP MEP Alyn Smith said: "I am struck as ever by the unity of purpose across the Council and the Member States, and indeed across this House, amongst the EU 27. I commend our coord...
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Press release |

European Parliament must stand by environmental restrictions

"It is unacceptable that the Commission tries to lift a ban of certain endocrine disrupters via the backdoor of comitology to further the interests of the pesticides industry," says Green environment and health spokesperson, Bas Eickhout.
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Challenges faced by environmental rights defenders in the world

Aura Lolita Chávez Ixcaquic, the Greens/EFA candidate to the European Parliament’s Sakharov prize for Freedom of Thought, is a Guatemalan environmental human rights defender.
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Publication |

European Parliament demands protection for whistleblowers across Europe

The European Parliament will call on the Commission to propose legislation to protect whistleblowers across Europe, no matter how they came across the information or which channel of reporting they use to sound the alarm, according to a report adopted today by the Legal Affairs Committee.
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Video |

Police violence in Catalonia

Europe can't turn a blind eye on the situation in Catalonia. Violence can never be used as a tool for solving political conflicts. Only politics can solve political conflicts.
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Greens/EFA Food campaign
Plant fuels
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Biofuel stitch-up

A powerful biofuel lobby is behind the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive, and MEPs are inviting them into the parliament for dinner.
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Press release |

Events in Catalonia

Regardless the outcome of the vote, both sides have to come back to the negotiation table. This is a political problem and it needs to be solved politically, not by police force
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Key Transparency Challenges in the European Union

The objective of this statement is to highlight key transparency challenges across Europe in order to provide a common basis for future campaigning to improve respect for the right of access to information, to increase citizen participation, and to ensure democratic accountability at both EU and national level.
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Lolita Chávez: defending human rights in Guatemala

It is high time that the European Parliament and the European Union step up their efforts in support of environmental rights defenders around the world, who are on the front line of human rights violence and corporate abuse and have little, if any, support from their national authorities.
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What's coming up next week in Parliament

A look ahead to next week's session in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and the Greens/EFA priority issues on the agenda