Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Reaction of Molly Scott Cato

"The current VAT rules are an out-dated mess. We need to adopt a definitive regime so that VAT is always paid where the goods or services are consumed and at the VAT rate of that Member States," says Greens/EFA MEP Molly Scott Cato
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Tax avoidance
Tax avoidance
Press release |

Greens/EFA group demands transparency

The Greens/EFA Group has written today to the Council Presidency and to the Chair of the Code of Conduct Group regarding the EU blacklist of tax havens.
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Modern mutagenesis techniques are GMOs according to the European Court of Justice Advocate General

On Thursday 18 January, the European Court of Justice published the opinion of its Advocate General on the legal statute of modern mutagenesis. This opinion confirms what civil society and the Greens/EFA have been claiming from the beginning: these are not “breeding techniques” but GMOs. At the same time, the Advocate General opens the …
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Video |

Irish PM calls for dialogue in Catalonia

In response to a question from Catalan MEP Jordi Solé (EFA) during a debate on the Future of Europe, Irish Taoiseach Varadkar called for dialogue between the Spanish and Catalan governments.
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Press release |

Greens/EFA presidents on the Bulgarian Presidency and the visit of the Irish Prime Minister

The Greens/EFA presidents look ahead to the debates on the Bulgarian Presidency and the visit of the Irish Prime Minister.
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Press release |

European Parliament agrees stricter rules for dual-use technology exports

"The European Parliament has delivered on its promise to strengthen the EU's human rights policy by making exports of surveillance technology stricter", comments Greens/EFA rapporteur Klaus Buchner.
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Hauserphoton (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Press release |

Energy efficiency will keep bills down while protecting the climate

Greens/EFA MEP Benedek Jávor welcomes the passing of strong measures on energy efficiency: "It’s not just about keeping emissions down. It is also crucial to citizens’ health and to keeping energy bills down for citizens and businesses."
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Press release |

Enshrining the Paris Agreement in EU law

Claude Turmes and Michele Rivasi herald a "great victory for the climate and citizens".
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Press release |

The EU must become a world leader on renewables

The European Parliament has voted on its position for the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive, part of the European Commission’s Clean Energy Package. The report sets out targets for renewable energy for 2030 and calls for an end to the use of palm oil in biofuels.
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Irish PM calls for dialogue in Catalonia

Ireland's Prime Minister has called for dialogue between the Spanish government and Catalonia following recent elections which saw a pro-independence majority elected. The Taoiseach was in Strasbourg to deliver a keynote speech on the future of Europe to the European Parliament and hold a deb...