Our parliamentary work

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European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

What's coming up in Parliament

A look ahead to next week's session in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and the Greens/EFA priority issues on the agenda
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car emissions © Mike Schmidt
car emissions_header© Mike Schmidt.jpg
Press release |

Toll systems must reflect environmental costs

The European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism committee has today backed proposals to reform EU-wide car tolls. The report includes a number of demands of the Greens/EFA group.
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Press release |

Going green will future proof the finance sector

The European Commission has today published two proposals on Sustainable Finance. The first is a way of classifying the climate risks of various financial products ("taxonomy"). The second makes clear the responsibility of investment professionals towards the people whose money they are managing.
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Video |

Same data protection for all in the EU

Success!! As of this week, new data protection rules enter into force to better protect citizens and their information: ✔️ More rights for individuals in the digital sphere ✔️ Same standards of data protection for all in the EU ✔️ More transparency
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Video |

Mark Zuckerberg in the European Parliament facing questions on data privacy

Mark Zuckerberg was invited to the European Parliament to talk about the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal
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News |

Hey Mark, let's talk!

Thanks to our initiative, the meeting with Mark Zuckerberg in the European Parliament will be livestreamed. Europeans deserve to have answers about this data scandal! Follow our page for live updates on Tuesday.
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Press release |

Mark Zuckerberg at the European Parliament

A simple apology to European Facebook users is not enough. We want Facebook to put measures in place to make advertising more transparent and prevent misuse of personal data.
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© Benoit Beauregard
Data protection Benoit Beauregard
Press release |

EU sets global standard for fundamental rights, consumer protection and fair competition

The law will be directly applicable throughout the European Union from Friday 25 May 2018. The rules apply to companies, whether they are established inside or outside the European Union.
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(46) "files/assets/imgs/list/car____mike_schmidt.jpg" ["title"]=> string(19) "car © Mike Schmidt" ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1526990252) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "f0447ba5bfe1a68940e41963506c72c7.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(19) "car © Mike Schmidt" } car © Mike Schmidt
Press release |

Court action should be wake-up call to Germany, France and UK

The Greens/EFA group has welcomed the decision of the European Commission to refer several EU countries to the European Court of Justice over their failure to take action on air quality.
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(41) "files/assets/imgs/list/road_transport.jpg" ["title"]=> string(14) "Road Transport" ["copyright"]=> string(19) "Rolf van Melis | CC" ["updated_at"]=> int(1526558923) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "3fde9d79a2edd5dcdb5fcd464ad2dbca.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(14) "Road Transport" }
Rolf van Melis | CC
Road Transport
Press release |

Commission needs to get serious on CO2 from trucks

The European Commission has today presented its third mobility package, intended to reduce CO2 emissions and improve road safety.