Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Romania: Police violence against peaceful protestors

Greens/EFA Co-Presidents Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts comment regarding the recent events in Romania.
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News |

Rescue and push-back of 108 migrants to Libya

We are concerned about the direct push-back of over 100 migrants rescued by the Italian vessel Asso Ventotto and immediately returned to Libya. These push-backs are illegal and have to stop. The EU needs a strategy on migration and asylum, based on the principle of common responsibility and solidari...
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(40) "files/assets/imgs/list/crops_sprayed.jpg" ["title"]=> string(13) "Crops Sprayed" ["copyright"]=> string(19) "CC Chafer Machinery" ["updated_at"]=> int(1532515302) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "d6e0a297c065266f0c82bd57eb3445e6.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(13) "Crops Sprayed" }
CC Chafer Machinery
Crops Sprayed
Press release |

A victory for food safety and the environment: ECJ ruling on new GMOs

Today, the European Court of Justice ruled that organisms obtained by mutagenesis, otherwise known as "new breeding techniques" by the biotech industry, are in fact Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), and are subject to the 2001 EU GMO Directive and all its obligations. Despite heavy lobbying by the industry looking for ways to circumv…
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News |

Gene editing techniques are GMOs says EU Court of Justice

On Wednesday 25 July, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) published its very awaited ruling on the legal statute of modern mutagenesis, including some of the techniques known as “new breeding techniques”. This ruling confirms what civil society and the Greens/EFA have been claiming from the beginning: these are not “breeding techniques” b…
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News |

Greens/EFA wish you a pleasant summer

During the parliamentary summer recess, from 23 July to 20 August 2018 inclusive, the general secretariat of our Group will operate on a reduced service.
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Shipping containers stacked on a ship leaving San Francisco Bay
Press release |

An agreement that perpetuates mistakes

Tomorrow (17/07/2018), the EU and Japan will sign the biggest bilateral trade deal in history, covering almost one third of global GDP with implications for over 600 million people. Once ratified, JEFTA will be incredibly difficult to amend.
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OG Picture: Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Fair trade not trump trade
Press release |

Strengthen Europe as a civil power

"NATO cannot be about satisfying Donald Trump. We can only rely on the American President to a very limited extent. The European Union must make its own contribution to security and stability," said Reinhard Bütikofer MEP.
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Press release |

Quote from Benedek Javor MEP

On Thursday (12 July) we expect the European Court of Justice to rule on lawsuits against the financing of the construction of the new Hinkley Point nuclear power plant in the UK.
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car emissions © Mike Schmidt
car emissions_header© Mike Schmidt.jpg
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Challenging Dieselgate Secrecy

Bas Eickhout has submitted an official complaint to the European Ombudsman to challenge the secrecy of the Commission and Council around the Dieselgate scandal which has been hitting headlines across Europe since 2015. The Dieselgate revelations were a scandal on many different fronts, affecting consumer rights, public health, environment…
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Black silhouettes lobby business © nico_blue
Black silhouettes lobby business institutions
Press release |

MEPs' outside activities show it's time to overhaul Parliament's ethics rules

A report by Transparency International EU on the outside activities of MEPs shows that up to 104 MEPs have earned more than €100,000 each over the last four years on top of their salaries as full-time MEPs.