Our parliamentary work

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Press release |

Corporate Europe Observatory report on Council lobbying

A new report from Corporate Europe Observatory: "Captured states: when EU governments are a channel for corporate interests” reveals that the complex and opaque nature of decisions made in the Council of Ministers often benefits corporate interests over those of citizens.
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What type of agriculture do you want ?

40% of European funds is spent on agriculture. That's around 114 euros per person, per year. But this question is never asked: what kind of agriculture do YOU want? If you want to have a say on Common Agricultural Policy, try this interactive CAP reform tool to help us improve EU food systems and agriculture.
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© ktsimage
International © ktsimage
Press release |

EU countries must develop counter strategy on nukes

The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, announced that the United States will formally withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), which was signed between the US and the Soviet Union and successfully led to the disarmament of around 2,700 short and intermediate range missiles primarily from European soil during…
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© European Union 2015 - Source EP
strasbourg building ep
Press release |

Future of Europe debate: Prime Minister of Finland, Mr Juha Sipilä

The Prime Minister of Finland, Mr Juha Sipilä addresses the European Parliament on the Future of Europe. Ska Keller, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament and lead candidate, takes part in the debate.
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After years of deadlock and political nightmares, are we finally ready to change the discussion on GMOs?

Today, the European Parliament backed four objections against the authorisation for import of new GM plants into the EU, bringing the total number of such objections to 31 in just over three years. Nevertheless, the European Commission decided to override this opposition and to authorize 24 of them. Why and how did we end up in this polit…
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Press release |

MEPs vote for new rules on lobbying in major victory for transparency

The European Parliament has just voted for binding rules for more transparency around MEPs' meetings with lobbyists. The report calls for stricter rules around rapporteurs and other MEPs in other official positions to disclose their meetings with interest representatives on the Transparency Register. In an extremely unusual steps the EPP …
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Press release |

Council must act on Hungary

We cannot foster autocracy within our Union, which is supposed to be based on democracy and the rule of law. So long as other EU governments stay quiet on the dire situation in Hungary, they are encouraging Orbán to continue on his anti-democratic path.
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Press release |

Transparency International Corruption Index

Transparency International released their annual Corruption Perceptions Index, which showed that among others Hungary has slid in score considerably over the five years. Malta, Romania and Bulgaria have all slipped significantly in TI's rankings in the last year.
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Press release |

Non-compliance with EU rules on railway safety

Galician MEP Ana Miranda has insisted that the opening of infringement procedures against the Spanish state for non-compliance with EU rules on rail safety, announced last Thursday by the European Commission, should have political consequences for former Spanish ministers José Blanco and Ana ...
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question mark
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Whistleblower protection around the corner as EU governments agree on their position

The European Union is on the verge of enacting new legislation that would change the lives of people who reveal the truth about illegalities, corrupt practices and other dodgy dealings - otherwise known as “whistleblowers”.