A right to green energy for all

We want green and affordable energy for all

Energy, its provenance and its price, impact both people and the planet. We all want and deserve to live a dignified life on a healthy planet: affordable and renewable energy is the way to this.

But that’s not currently the case

We are in times of social and climate crisis because of our dependency on fossil fuels and authoritarian regimes, raising prices and exploiting the earth.

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A right to energy is the solution

Everyone should have access to affordable and renewable energy, as a basic right. We want the European Union to guarantee that all people living in the EU can benefit from such a right, a fair decision for the people and the environment.

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Press release |

EU energy efficiency policy

The European Commission today presented a communication on energy efficiency, which should guide EU governments in their decision on a 2030 energy savings target for the EU. The Greens have hit out at the manipulation of the findings on which the communication were based and the subsequent downgradi...
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Publication |

Breaking out from the old pattern

  This time it’s different. The traditional “Europe at a crossroad” has morphed into a cliff-hanger situation. For the European Union, the next five years have become a matter of make-or-break choices. Shaken by the violent crisis of the past years, European public opini...
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Press release |

Renewable energy

The European Court of Justice today ruled to uphold the provisions of EU legislation on renewable energy, notably on the prerogative of national renewable energy support schemes. Commenting on the decision in the Aland case, Green energy spokesperson Claude Turmes stated: "We welcome today's de...
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Press release |

EU summit

Commenting on the outcome of today's summit of EU heads of state and government, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated: "At last, the EU can move on from the controversy over Jean-Claude Juncker. It is certainly welcome to have a pro-European candidate, who is comm...
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Press release |

Ukraine - Russia

Commenting in the context of the decision of Russian gas energy giant Gazprom’s decision to cut its supplies of gas to Ukraine, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms, stated: “The EU should not just stand by while Russia refuses to supply gas to Ukraine for political reasons. “The Russian nego...
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Press release |

Energy security

Commenting on the proposals by EU energy commissioner Oettinger on energy security, presented today, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: “The crisis in Ukraine has again underlined the need to develop a European strategy to secure our energy supply and reduce our damaging dependence on fo...
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Press release |

State aid rules

The European Commission today presented proposals to revise EU rules on state aid, notably regarding general exemptions. Commenting on the proposals, Green industry policy spokesperson Reinhard Bütikofer said: “The proposals from the Commission on general exemptions to EU state aid rules fall sho...
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Press release |

Energy security

A conference on a European energy security strategy is being hosted today by EU commission president Barroso and energy commissioner Oettinger. At the conference, Polish prime minister Tusk is expected to outline his proposals for a European energy union. Commenting ahead of the conference, Greens/E...
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Press release |

EU truck size rules/monster trucks

The European Parliament today voted on proposals to revise EU rules on truck dimensions (Directive 96/53/EC). MEPs voted to postpone a decision on proposals to legalise the cross-border use of excessively long 'gigaliner' trucks, until the Commission carries out a thorough impact assessment on the p...
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Press release |

EU state aid rules for energy

The European Commission today presented long-awaited proposals to review EU state aid rules in the energy sector. The Greens hit out at the plans, which will allow governments to continue exemptions for energy-intensive industries as regards their contribution to renewable energy schemes, whilst und...