A right to green energy for all

We want green and affordable energy for all

Energy, its provenance and its price, impact both people and the planet. We all want and deserve to live a dignified life on a healthy planet: affordable and renewable energy is the way to this.

But that’s not currently the case

We are in times of social and climate crisis because of our dependency on fossil fuels and authoritarian regimes, raising prices and exploiting the earth.

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Stay informed: get the latest news on our climate campaign!

A right to energy is the solution

Everyone should have access to affordable and renewable energy, as a basic right. We want the European Union to guarantee that all people living in the EU can benefit from such a right, a fair decision for the people and the environment.

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Press release |

Tar sands

The European Parliament today narrowly failed to reject new fuel quality rules proposed by the EU Commission, which do not include a separate methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from tar sands oil (1). The proposed rejection needed the support of an absolute majority of the Parliament...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU Commission must not row back on environmental standards

Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans (Wales), in a speech to the European Parliament today has pledged to keep up the pressure on the EU Commission not to row back on its environmental commitments. Today’s proposals from EU President Junker at the presentation of the EU Commission's Work Programme to ...
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Press release |

UN climate talks

The UN climate negotiations and politicians are lagging behind the shift that is already taking place in our economies, driven by civil society and businesses. Most importantly, there is still no clarity on the crucial issue of aid for developing countries to adapt to and take measures to prevent climate change, meaning the bridge between…
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Press release |

Tar sands oil

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted to reject new fuel quality rules proposed by the EU Commission, which failed to include a separate methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from tar sands oil (1). After the vote, Green climate change spokesperson Bas Eickhout, wh...
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Event |

One year before Paris 2015

One year before the COP21 in Paris, the Greens/EFA Group organise a high-level conference on the progress made since Copenhagen and the mobilisation under way for Paris 2015 to be a success
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Publication |

Green demands for COP20 (Lima, Peru)

Increasing Europe’s climate ambition ahead of the climate summit in Paris in December 2015 can benefit the EU as well as drive a race to the top for other countries to step up their climate efforts.
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Event |

The Greens/EFA Co-Presidents' briefing

Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts present the key issues of the plenary session and of the European agenda for the Greens/EFA group
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Publication |

A Green Investment Plan for Europe

In response to the European investment plan elaborated by the EU Commission, the Greens/EFA group has outlined an alternative investment plan for Europe
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Event |

Geopolitics, Security and Energy Transition

Are green recipes still apt for today's challenges? The Greens/EFA group organise a conference in Istanbul to debate about the energy transition
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Press release |

EU summit

Commenting on the outcome of the summit of EU heads of state and government, Greens/EFA co-president Philippe Lamberts said: "EU leaders have squeezed the life out of Europe's 2030 climate and clean energy policy. The outcome of the summit is a mistake on three fronts: environmental, economic a...