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Aktuelles |

Diana Riba MEP alerts on the deteriorating state of the Rule of law

EFA MEP Diana Riba intervened in plenary session today to raise awareness of the current state of the Rule of Law.
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© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
European Parliament Building Strasbourg
Aktuelles |

Debriefing of the May plenary session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included the impact of the war against Ukraine on women, the EU oil embargo and the social and economic consequences for the EU of the Russian war in Ukraine, the use of the Pegasus Software by EU Member States against individuals including MEPs and the violation of fundamental rights, electoral …
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(53) "files/assets/imgs/list/gettyimages-1238836276_web.jpg" ["title"]=> string(33) "Refugees at Ukraine train station" ["alt"]=> string(33) "Refugees at Ukraine train station" ["copyright"]=> string(52) "Agnieszka Majchrowicz/Anadolu Agency via Getty Image" ["updated_at"]=> int(1651743082) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "bc0356de44503b501d0a6c7c4dc6ec5b.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(30) "GettyImages-1238836276_web.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "" ["list"]=> string(51) "" ["photo"]=> string(52) "" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "" } }
Agnieszka Majchrowicz/Anadolu Agency via Getty Image
Refugees at Ukraine train station
Presse­mitteilung |

War against Ukraine: Diana Riba calls for better access to SRHR for women fleeing war.

EFA MEP Diana Riba intervened in Plenary today to demand more support for gender-based violence services and access to all sexual and reproductive health services (SRHR), for those women fleeing Ukraine
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© Rauf Guliyev
Aktuelles |

Conference on the Future of Europe: What now?

The Conference on the future of Europe is an initiative of European institutions to engage with the citizens and bring Europe closer. The process that involved randomly selected citizens, MEPs, representatives from the EU Council and Commission, and member states has lasted over a year and is now coming to a conclusion.
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Presse­mitteilung |

Pegasus: Grünen/EFA fordern sofortige Aufklärung des Spionage-Skandals

Die neuesten Pegasus-Enthüllungen legen offen, dass offenbar auch der spanische Premierminister Pedro Sánchez Ziel von Spionage geworden ist. Im April wurde aufgedeckt, dass die Mitglieder der Grünen/EFA-Fraktion Diana Riba i Giner und Jordi Solé ebenfalls mit der Software ausspioniert wurden. Die Grünen/EFA-Fraktion hat für heute (Mittwo…
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Presse­mitteilung |

Catalangate: EFA MEPs demand answers about their espionage

The findings of Pegasus exposed how Greens/EFA MEPs Jordi Solé and Diana Riba i Giner were spied on by the NSO Group’s surveillance spyware technology. Today in plenary, the members of the European Parliament debated the latest revelations.
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European Parliament Building Strasbourg ©Cquim
Aktuelles |

François Alfonsi stands for Osman Kavala and the people of Kurdistan

EFA MEP François Alfonsi, a long-time defender of Kurdistan and of minorities’ rights across the world, intervented in Plenary in solidarity with Osman Kavala and all victims of Erdoğan.
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Presse­mitteilung |

EU-Wahlrecht: EU-Parlament fordert Europäische Wahllisten

Die Mehrheit der Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments hat in der heutigen (Dienstag, 3. Mai) Abstimmung die EU-Regierungen aufgefordert, mit transnationalen Listen in die Europawahlen im Jahr 2024 zu gehen. Ebenso schloss sich die Mehrheit der Abgeordneten den Forderungen der Grünen/EFA nach einer Absenkung des Wahlalters auf 16 Jahre u…
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Presse­mitteilung |

Reform of the EU electoral law: Big wins to strengthen Europe’s democracy

The Greens/EFA group brought to the plenary several proposals to make universal suffrage a fairer process. The report adopted today by the parliament on the reform of the European electoral law incorporates provisions on what in legal terms is already known as the 'Junqueras doctrine'.
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European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Aktuelles |

Plenary Flash - 2-5 May 2022

On the agenda for the plenary session: the impact of the war against Ukraine on women, the use of the Pegasus Software by EU Member States against individuals including MEPs and the violation of fundamental rights, the final report by Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age/AIDA, 2020 discharge reports, electoral law…