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© European Union 2022 - Source : EP
Terry Reintke at the plenary
Presse­mitteilung |

EU quotas for Women on boards not enough

Members of the European Parliament debated and adopted the Directive on Gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges (Women on Boards). However, the final text of the Directive is lacking in ambition.
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Photo by Sara Rampazzo on Unsplash
Rainbow flag
Presse­mitteilung |

Commission need to ensure all children's rights to their parents

Members of the European Parliament will debate the Legal protection for rainbow families exercising free movement, in particular the Baby Sara case. This debate is held ahead of the expected legislative initiative from the Commission to ensure that a parent in one EU country is a parent in all EU countries.
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Aktuelles |

EFA condemns the Turkish aggression on Kurdistan

The European Free Alliance in the European Parliament stands in solidarity with the Kurds and strongly condemns the attack on Kurdistan by Turkish Forces.
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Aktuelles |

MEP Solé calls on the EU for more engagement with Civil society in the Middle East

EFA Group President Jordi Solé intervened in the plenary session during the promoting regional stability and security in the broader Middle East region debate to highlight the situation in the region.
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European Parliament Strasbourg
Aktuelles |

Plenary Flash - 21-24 November 2022

On the agenda for the plenary session: Asylum and migration including search and rescue, Hungary and the conditionality mechanism, women on boards, biodiversity COP15, budget 2023 and the protection of rainbow families.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(69) "files/assets/imgs/list/20211006_ep-119951a_den_0119_resized_l.jpg.JPG" ["title"]=> string(67) "European Parliament Strasbourg © European Union 2021 - Source : EP" ["alt"]=> string(30) "European Parliament Strasbourg" ["copyright"]=> string(36) "© European Union 2021 - Source : EP" ["updated_at"]=> int(1666344402) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "79e7acaeb62c7abd85c6f717d091186d.JPG" ["fname"]=> string(42) "20211006_EP-119951A_DEN_0119_RESIZED_L.JPG" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "" ["list"]=> string(51) "" ["photo"]=> string(52) "" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "" } }
© European Union 2021 - Source : EP
European Parliament Strasbourg
Aktuelles |

Debriefing of the October II plenary session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included COP27, rule of law and media freedom in Malta, alternative fuel infrastructure, general budget for the EU for 2023, Frontex discharge 2020, social and economic consequences of the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis package
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(66) "files/assets/imgs/list/thomas-ellmenreich-orr34sndmck-unsplash.jpg" ["title"]=> string(39) "Photo by Thomas Ellmenreich on Unsplash" ["alt"]=> string(12) "Maltese flag" ["copyright"]=> string(39) "Photo by Thomas Ellmenreich on Unsplash" ["updated_at"]=> int(1666257713) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "5b5eae35a5436cf15b24b7848e6b4b77.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(43) "thomas-ellmenreich-oRR34SNdMCk-unsplash.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "" ["list"]=> string(51) "" ["photo"]=> string(52) "" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "" } }
Photo by Thomas Ellmenreich on Unsplash
Maltese flag
Presse­mitteilung |

Five years after the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the press is still not free in the EU

The European Parliament pays tribute to Daphne and other journalists' work in exposing organised crime, tax fraud and money laundering, and stresses the importance of holding those involved in such illegal activities to account.
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© European Union 2022 - Source : EP
Par Holmgren at the plenary
Presse­mitteilung |

Raus aus den Fossilen, rein in die Erneuerbaren

Eine überwältigende fraktionsübergreifende Mehrheit der Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments fordert die Einlösung des Versprechens von Paris, für Schäden und Verluste aufzukommen. Dafür müssen noch bis Ende dieses Jahres mehr als 100 Milliarden Dollar an vom Klimawandel besonders betroffene Länder und Regionen gezahlt werden.
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Aktuelles |

EFA MEPs want culture to be at the heart of Ukraine's recovery

EFA MEPs Diana Riba i Giner and Piernicola Pedicini intervened in plenary to highlight the importance of culture when aiding the Ukraine recovery.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(87) "files/assets/imgs/list/1666165554580_20221019_ep-138315a_pb9_eg_0041_download_large.jpg" ["title"]=> string(36) "© European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["alt"]=> string(28) "Terry Reintke at the plenary" ["copyright"]=> string(36) "© European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["updated_at"]=> int(1666184724) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "063858a6a5a73a2a7344d1cd4bf09e01.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(64) "1666165554580_20221019_EP-138315A_PB9_EG_0041_DOWNLOAD_LARGE.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "" ["list"]=> string(51) "" ["photo"]=> string(52) "" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "" } }
© European Union 2022 - Source : EP
Terry Reintke at the plenary
Presse­mitteilung |

Solidaritätsfonds muss eine Antwort auf die Energiekrise sein

Die Grünen/EFA fordern ein starkes Signal der Einigkeit und Solidarität mit der Ukraine und Antworten auf die anhaltend hohen Energiepreise und einen EU-Solidaritätsfonds für den massiven Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien und Energieinfrastruktur auf den Weg zu bringen.