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Média |

Intellectual property rights on genetic resources

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Média |

Règles tabac de l'UE

Commission proposals on packaging and additives a start but can be improved
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Média |

Situation in Ukraine

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Média |

Worldwide reading for Pussy Riot

Organized by the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament in Strasbourg Intro from "PUSSY RIGHT - Eine Textcollage zum Moskauer Punkprozess" Produced by "Work it. art inclusive" Franziska Brantner, German Green MEP Nikos Chrysogelos, Greek Green MEP Rebecca Harms, German Green MEP and Co-President of t…
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Média |

Israeli settlements

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Média |

EU -Russia agreement

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Média |

Human rights and EU policy

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Média |

European Council meeting (13-14 December 2012)

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Média |

Vote with no!

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Média |

Fundamental rights in the EU