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Média |

Ulrike Lunacek on the rejection of the SRHR report in the EP

The so-called Estrela report on "Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)" was rejected today due to intensive lobbying by conservative MEPs and NGOs. In this video Ulrike Lunacek MEP expresses her disappointment and explains why it should have been adopted.
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Média |

Questions and Answers session

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Média |

Future of the Eastern Partnership, as regards Ukraine

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Média |

North East Atlantic deep sea fish stocks

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Média |

Reforming EU fisheries policy

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Média |

Questions and Answers session

Are you interested in politics or Europe or both and always wanted to talk directly to a member of the European Parliament? But you think that they are sitting too far away in Brussels and it is difficult to get in touch with them as a member of the deaf and hard of hearing communities? Well, they're not as far as you might think! The …
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Média |

The green corner

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Média |

Philosophy, accessibility project, climate & Q&A hour

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Média |

The Greens

Human rights are a central part of the fundamental values of the European Union. However, as soon as human rights violations within the EU come to the surface, or economic and geostrategic interests are at stake, European leaders become silent. In the European Parliament, things aren't much different. For the Greens, in contrast, human ri…
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Média |

Pour une Europe sans OGM

Refuser les OGM, c’est aussi contribuer au développement d’une agriculture de proximité, saine et respectueuse de l’environnement. C’est aider les agriculteurs à regagner une vraie autonomie, favoriser la biodiversité agricole, réduire la toute puissance des multinationales agrochimiques et agroalimentaires