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Média |

Situation en Libye

Daniel Cohn-Bendit parle de l'action de l'UE dans la Lybie de l'après Kadhafi, des sanctions qui s'imposent contre la Syrie et de l'absolue nécessité pour Israël de reprendre les négociations avec les Palestiniens
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Média |

Massacres in Norway this summer

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Média |

Eurozone crisis

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Média |

Situation in Syria

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Média |

Eurozone crisis

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Média |

Freedom of information and public access to documents

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Média |

EU homeless strategy

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Média |

Yannick Jadot

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Média |

Slow Food

Our generation realises that the current food system has come to a point where drastic change is needed in order to protect our future. The current food system is exploitative, unhealthy and unsustainable. Though the effects differ from country to country, the Youth Food Movement connects projects across the world, creating a stronger, un…
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Média |

Situation in the Arab world and North Africa