
Read our position papers, our studies, our statements and policy papers

Position papers include all papers formally adopted by our Group and thus representing our official position on major issues. Policy papers gather all briefings, brochures, statements from working groups or other Group bodies which have not been submitted to a vote but reflect a more technical position on specific topics. Studies are reports commissioned to experts and are accompanied most of the time with our political recommendations. For information and transparency purposes, we also publish here all Group letters sent to the other institutions or representatives

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Democratic follow-up in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The European Parliament, –   having regard to the Declaration by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on behalf of the European Union, on the electoral process in the Democratic Republic of the Congo of 9 December 2011 (A 507/1/11 REV 1), –   having regard to ...
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Reform of the Memorandum of Understanding leading to the Second Economic Adjustment Programme

We, the Greens in the European Parliament, want Greece to remain in the Eurozone. To that end Greece deserves all support that is necessary for it to overcome the deepest crisis it has faced in its recent history. There should be no ambiguity or blackmail. Greece's place is in the European Union and in the Eurozone.
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A Green Investment Pact for economic and fiscal sustainability

Europe will only successfully emerge from the current economic crisis by deepening economic and political integration. For this, Europe needs a Green Investment Pact, combining economic potential with sustainable development, giving the crisis countries a clear perspective and sufficient time to readjust their economies
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Fight against homophobia in Europe

The European Parliament, – having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, – having regard to Article...
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Situation in Ukraine and the case of Yulia Tymoshenko

The European Parliament, – having regard to its previous resolutions on Ukraine, in particular its resolution on the case of Yulia Tymoshenko of 9 June 2011(1) and its resolution on current developments in Ukraine of 27 October 2011(2), – having regard to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreemen...
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EU and China: Unbalanced Trade?

The European Parliament, –    having regard to Articles 2, 3, 6 and 21 of the Treaty on European Union, –    having regard to Articles 153, 191, 207 and 218 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, –    having regard to Articles ...
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The Future we REALLY want

With the planet having entered an era distinguished by human interference in the Earth's ecosystems, the Rio+20 Summit must be used as the opportunity to break with the business as usual and to achieve tangible actions and measurable targets on the path to sustainable development path
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Situation in Mali

The European Parliament, -        having regard to the statements of Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU on the military coup in Mali, -         having regard t...
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No arms for Assad! Cyprus and Germany - Ensure respect of EU arms embargo

The Greens/EFA group has sent an open letter to Catherine Ashton calling for the EU to ensure respect of the arms embargo after two potential cases of EU member states being complicit in the transfer of arms to the Assad regime in Syria.
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The European Parliament, -having regard to its previous resolutions on Burma/Myanmar, in particular that of 25 November 2010 and 20 May 2010; -having regard to the Council Decision of 16 August 2011 (2011/504/CFSP) amending Council Decision 2010/232/CFSP regarding restrictive measures against Burma...