

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Short report of the conference

The Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament organised the "Olympic Rights for Human Games" Conference on 15 May. The choice of China to host the Olympic Games has raised many questions. The deterioration of human rights in China and the recent events in Tibet have called for a reaction of the in...
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Conference report

1. Beijing's pledges and the running of the Games: Who is accountable?International legitimacy has a priceHélène Flautre, Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights, moderated the first panel and said: "The IOC took a specific gamble because the choice of Beijing was aimed at encouraging China on ...
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Rising tension in Burundi

The Greens/EFA Group condemns the use of violence, and calls again on the two parties to scrupulously respect the ceasefire concluded on 7 September 2006. It welcomes the recent release of 232 children, which was made possible by eight months of negotiations with dissident faction of the Palipehutu-FNL by the Burundian government, civil s…
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Situation in Lebanon

The Greens/EFA Group expresses its deep concern about the possible grave consequences of the current political crisis and the deterioration of the security situation in Lebanon and firmly condemns the conduct of Hezbollah in threatening or using force to secure its broader political goals.
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Renewables directive

An essential part of the European Commission's 'climate package' issued in January is the proposal on a new directive for renewable energy.The European Parliament will give its input through the report lead by Greens/EFA MEP Claude Turmes.
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Climate change and biodiversity

Ahead of the 9th meeting (COP9) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Bonn, Germany, (19 to 30 May), the Greens/EFA organised a high-level hearing on "climate change and biodiversity". Various experts highlighted the numerous threats for biodiversity due to climate change.
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Global warming

Latest findings by the US NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) show that CO2 levels in the atmopshere now stand at 387 ppm, up almost 40% since the industrial revolution and the highest for at least the last 650,000 years!
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Chernobyl Day

At the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster on 26 April 2008, the Greens take part in the international day of action against nuclear energy. The project to complete reactor 3 and 4 in Mochovce, Slovakia is one of our key concern.
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Open letter to Mr Barroso on anti-discrimination Directive

Dear Mr BarrosoNext year there will be European elections and a new Commission and Parliamentwill be formed. It seems that it cannot come quickly enough for you. The ambition with which you started your work as Commission President has dampened. For years you have delayed the decision making on a ge...
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Climate protection: act locally!

Each day municipalities make decisions which will protect, or not, our climate. Switch to green power, investments in eco-buildings or insulation of older buildings, development of local soft mobility schemes: local actors can make key contributions in tackling climate change!