

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Agriculture MEP heads to Highland show - nominated in Scottish Farmer Awards

SNP MEP Alyn Smith will be meeting with stakeholders from across the agriculture sector as well as enjoying the craic when he visits the Highland Show in Ingliston this week. Smith will be there formally on Thursday and Friday to meet with stakeholders, and have a more relaxed day on Saturday.Mr Smi...
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Press release |

Greens/EFA 'Bureau'

The Greens/EFA Group today elected Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Rebecca Harms were elected as Co-Presidents, together with seven Vice-Presidents.
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Press release |

Animal cloning

EU agriculture ministers, meeting in Luxembourg, have today agreed to include meat and food products sourced from cloned animals in the proposed 'Novel Foods Regulation', which is a potential stepping stone towards legislation to authorise such products. UK Green MEP Caroline Lucas commented: "...
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Press release |

EU Commission President

Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the Greens/EFA Group, has spoken out against the possibility of a European Parliament vote on Barroso's appointment in July. He calls for a debate on the President's agenda, to allow a vote in October.
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Press release |

EU summit

EU leaders at a Brussels summit are again failing to make substantial steps forward in the lead-up to international climate change talks in Copenhagen at the end of the year. Greens/EFA Vice-President Rebecca Harms commented:"Another EU summit with climate on the agenda, another outcome of stagnatio...
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Press release |


On 5 June, Peruvian authorities embarked on a bloody crackdown on indigenous protests regarding exploitative legislative changes in the wake of a US-Peru trade agreement. Having refrained from commenting on the violence, the EU Commission is now negotiating a neoliberal 'Multiparty Commercial Agree...
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Press release |

EU Commission Presidency

The Greens/EFA Group has launched a campaign against Jose Manuel Barroso winning a second mandate as EU Commission President. Co-President Daniel Cohn-Bendit has stated that the EU Parliament should oppose any move to formally nominate Barroso before the summer.
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Publication |

Soft mobility

The Greens/EFA soft mobility paper, commissioned by Michael Cramer MEP, outlines practical measures aimed at reducing oil consumption, as a result cutting transport-induced climatic pollution.
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Press release |

International Renewable Energy Agency

EU energy ministers will meet in Luxembourg tomorrow, 12 June, where they will discuss the location and mandate of the recently established International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). (1) Amid reports that France and the UK have been persuaded to back Abu Dhabi's bid to host the agency (rath...
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Press release |

New Entrants Reserve'

The EU Commission is proposing to allocate the equivalent of billions of Euros to coal power plants through 'New Entrants Reserve' permits under the post-2012 emissions trading scheme. This would be at the expense of renewable energy technologies, which are also supposed to be eligible.