

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |


The European Union must not stand back and allow its cooperation with Russia to be based on pure pragmatism. Instead, the EU must firmly insist that the independence of the Russian judiciary is respected and call for the strengthening of democracy, freedom of speech and human rights.
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Press release |

Western Balkans

The European Parliament has shown its support for visa-free travel for citizens of Western Balkans countries. However, while Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia are set for an early Christmas present, Bosnia-Herzegovina will be left behind despite meeting the same criteria. Kosovo and Albania are trailing further.
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Press release |

EU must stop allowing exploitation of Western Sahara

The European Union must stop allowing the exploitation of Western Sahara's natural resources.That was the conclusion of a hearing held at the European Parliament in Brussels this week and hosted by Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans. Fishing in Western Sahara's waters without the consent of the Saharaw...
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Press release |

Zdanoka welcomes EU Commissioner's intervention

Latvian MEP Tatjana Zdanoka has welcomed an indication from EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Joaquin Almunia that he will remind the Latvian government of its responsibilities to its citizens as it deals with the economic crisis.The Commissioner was responding to an oral question tabled...
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Press release |

Air travel security

Security checks for liquids are costly and inconvenient for airport authorities and passengers alike, and their effectiveness is unproven. With an end to these measures due next year, the EU Commission is however proposing we continue the restrictions and use new, expensive machines to enforce them.
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Press release |

MEP Joins the 65,000 Cyber Marchers

Make Animal Testing History  More than sixty five thousand people have joined a 'cyber march' calling for an EU ban on unnecessary experiments on animals.  Organisers of the protest met Plaid MEP Jill Evans in Brussels to discuss a new and stronger European law. More than tw...
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Event |

Political activism on the net

More than thirty digital journalists, bloggers and politicians from seven European countries will be on hand to present diverse ideas for political mobilisation via the internet. The seminar will look at different kinds of online political initiatives from across Europe, and will discuss the internet as a tool for transforming European so…
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/European Free Alliance priorities and events for next week include the ICCAT meeting on bluefin tuna in Brazil, the EU Parliament mini plenary session and a joint committee vote on the Stockholm programme.
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Press release |

Telecoms package

Yesterday evening, the European Parliament and the EU Council (representing national governments) agreed on a compromise text regarding protection of internet users' rights in cases of action on grounds of alleged copyright infringement, e.g. via online file-sharing.
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Press release |

MEP recognised for work on EU seal trade ban

Frieda Brepoels during the MEP Awards, together with Jo Swabe of HSI - Picture credit: Fabrice Debatty...