

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

MEPs call for cross-border support to defend civil society from attacks

Members of the European Parliament have voted by a large majority to support cross-border non-profit organisations in a report from Greens/EFA MEP Sergey Lagodinsky. The report calls for EU-wide measures to safeguard civil society organisations at the Member State and EU level, including better legal recognition for nonprofits, and suppor…
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News |

MEP François Alfonsi appeals for vital support on minority language

EFA MEP François Alfonsi, the co-chair of the minority intergroup, held a press conference supporting the demands from cultural and linguistic minorities to the Conference on the Future of Europe. Loránt Vincze (EPP), co-chair of the minority intergroup with MEP Alfonsi, also spoke at the press conference in Strasbourg.
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Press release |


Eurovignette could have been the perfect tool to reflect the societal and environmental costs of road transport, An ambitious Eurovignette proposal would have tackled the artificially low cost of road transport and ensure the societal and environmental costs are fairly reflected in road pricing.
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Press release |

Strengthening cooperation at European level

The European Commission presented a defence package aimed at increasing cooperation on defence capacities and boosting European technological sovereignty. The Greens/EFA Group welcomes this initiative in the context of the "Strategic Compass" that will be adopted next month.
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european court of justice ©katarina_dzurekova (CC BY 2.0)
European Court of Justice
Press release |

ECJ ruling shows urgent need for Commission to launch rule of law action

The European Court of Justice has just rejected a complaint brought against the Rule of Law Conditionality regulation by the Polish and Hungarian governments. The rejection by the court reaffirms that the mechanism is in line with EU law and shows the urgent need for the Commission to finally activate the tool.
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Ukrainian flag CC0 yehor-milohrodskyi
Ukrainian flag CC0 yehor-milohrodskyi
Press release |

Greens/EFA call for an end to Russian aggression against Ukraine

The European Parliament debated the European Union's relations with Russia and the Russian threat to Ukraine's statehood. In relation to this debate, the leaders of the main political groups in the European Parliament issued a joint statement which expresses full solidarity to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, calls for imm…
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News |

Jordi Solé calls for more EU action in the face of Human Rights violations

EFA Group President Jordi Sole intervened on plenary to call for the approval of the two reports Mr Sole was shadowing. The reports from the sub-committee on Human Rights (DROI) discuss the position of the European Parliament and the lack of action previously taken in the fight against corruption and breaches of Human Rights.
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Press release |

EU condemns unpaid internships

The European Parliament has passed a resolution on Empowering Youth: post-pandemic employment and social recovery. Unfortunately the Greens/EFA Group proposed an amendment to push for an EU-wide ban on unpaid internships which failed to pass because of the votes against from EPP and Renew.
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Press release |

European Parliament vote on call for end to unpaid internships - quote from Kim van Sparrentak

The European Parliament will vote on a resolution on Empowering Youth: post-pandemic employment and social recovery. The resolution includes a call for EU rules on internships and describes the impact that unemployment, climate change, housing insecurity and isolation have  for young people’s mental health. The Greens/EFA Group has propos…
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© Joshua Blake
Data surveillance
Press release |

Pegasus: Greens/EFA call for inquiry committee

The Pegasus scandal reveals nothing less than the illegal and abusive use of cyber-surveillance weapons against our fellow citizens. This is why we are calling for an inquiry committee to expose the extent of these illegal hacking practices. Starting with establishing which European countries use Pegasus or similar spyware.