

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Publication |

Israeli military operation against the humanitarian flotilla and the Gaza blockade

The Greens/EFA condemn the military operation against the humanitarian ship convoy and urge Israel to immediately, comprehensively and permanently end the siege on Gaza while reaffirming there is an urgent need for a comprehensive reshaping of EU policy towards the Middle East.
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Event |

Financing culture in the digital era

The digital era has made knowledge and culture accessible for the greater public and contributes to bring about a worldwide knowledge society. But how can we guarantee a fair remuneration of authors and creators together with the universal access and circulation of knowledge and culture? The conference will explore ways out of this parado…
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Event |

Nuclear Waste

During this hearing, experts will present examples from different European countries regarding their respective nuclear waste strategies. Against the backdrop of these experiences, lessons will be drawn with respect to the Draft Nuclear Waste Directive, with the aim of formulating requirements that a meaningful EU directive should fulfil.
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Publication |

EU position in relation to the G20 Toronto Summit (26 and 27 June 2010)

Tabled by Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Rebecca Harmson behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, – having regard to the Leaders' Statement issued following the Pittsburgh G20 Summit of 24 and 25 September 2009,– having regard to its resolution of 8 October 2009 on the Pittsburgh G20 Summit ...
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Press release |

Copyright treaty for visually impaired

Tomorrow, Tuesday June 8th, an EU Council working group coordinated by DG Internal Market and the Spanish Presidency will decide the EU position concerning the proposal for a Treaty for the visually impaired (sponsored by Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador and Paraguay) that shall be considered at the World In...
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Event |

Towards a European Energy Community for the 21st century?

On Monday, 07 June 2010 the Greens/EFA a political family meeting in the framework of the Joint Parliamenary Meeting on 'Towards a European Energy Community for the 21st century?'. During the meeting Greens/EFA MPs and MEPs have exchanged views with Michaele Schreyer, fromer...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA events this week include several conferences and hearings on financing culture in the digital era, carbon leakage, CAP, green jobs and nuclear waste. See the Agenda for a full listing
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Press release |

Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre

4th of June is the 21st anniversary of the brutal repression of the students and workers who occupied Tiananmen Square. What happened that night was a massacre about which very little has been revealed since. All of this information is still a state secret, something intolerable on the eve of important trade agreements between China and t…
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Press release |

Electrical and electronic equipment

The Environment Committee today sent a clear signal about the dangers of hazardous chemicals used in electrical and electronic equipment during a vote on the recast of the RoHS (1) Directive. Greens/EFA rapporteur Jill Evans commented after the vote: "I am glad that, despite heavy pressure from...
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Press release |

EU climate aid

New revelations that EU member states will fall short of their pledges on climate aid for developing countries have dogged the opening day of the first full UNFCCC negotiating session this year (1), which is taking place in Bonn. Commenting on the revelations, Dutch Green MEP Bas Eickhout said: &quo...