

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Video |

EU financial supervision

EP succeeds in giving financial authorities real teeth, insists authorities given sufficient means The Greens welcomed the adoption of legislation setting up new European financial supervision authorities. The EP succeeded in gaining greater powers for the new authorities but Green MEPs have vowed to fight to ensure they are properly equi…
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Video |

GMO-free Europe

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Press release |

Gas supply security

The European Parliament today adopted new EU legislation on security of gas supply. Green MEPs voted for the report, which aims to ensure Europe is better prepared to respond to emergencies and supply disruptions, but called for a more strategic EU approach to the role of gas. After the vote, Luxemb...
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Press release |

Biodiversity protection

The European Parliament today adopted a report on the implementation of EU legislation aimed at conserving biodiversity. The report highlights the lack of progress made towards achieving the EU's biodiversity goals and calls for steps to be taken at EU-level. While the Greens believed the report sho...
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Press release |

Pakistan readmission agreement

The European Parliament today approved an EU 'readmission agreement' with Pakistan, providing for the return of Pakistani citizens from EU member states to Pakistan. The Greens opposed the agreement and raised their concerns about EU readmission agreements in general, which ignore whether the receiv...
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Press release |

Millennium Development Goals

World leaders are meeting this week at a UN summit in New York to accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which are due to be realised by 2015. At the summit last night, EU Commission President Barroso reiterated a 'new' pledge to provide €1 billion to the achievement o...
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Press release |

Passenger data (PNR)

The European Commission today presented its 'PNR Package' setting out its policy on the exchange of passenger name records with third countries and agreements with the US, Australia and Canada. The Greens criticised the proposals, with German Green MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht responding: "Today's ...
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Video |

Electric and Clean Mobility - Biking is Green

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Video |

Green Jobs - Biking is Green

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Video |

Biking is Green