

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Publication |

Revised Hungarian Constitution

The European Parliament, –   having regard to Articles 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), Articles 49, 56, 114, 167 and 258 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Co...
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Publication |

Preparation of the Commission Work Programme 2012

The European Parliament, –    having regard to the Commission Work Programme 2011 (COM (2010) 623), –    having regard to the Framework Agreement between the European Parliament and the Commission adopted on 20 October 2010, in particular Annex IV thereof, -  ...
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Press release |

EP transparency reform

In the wake of the recent MEP cash-for-amendments scandal the EP committed to strengthen its transparency and anti-corruption rules. The working group set up by EP president Buzek to draft a new code of conduct for MEPs finished its work today (1). The Greens have welcomed the outcome as an importan...
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Press release |


Commenting on the proposals, agreed at last week's EU summit, to revise the Schengen agreement to allow the reintroduction of border controls under certain conditions, Greens/EFA co-presidents Dany Cohn-Bendit and Rebecca Harms said: "Following last week's EU summit, which tasked the EU Commiss...
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Event |

Beyond the Crisis

The aim of this public debate is to highlight the recent developments of the Euro area crisis with a particular focus on the issue of Greek sovereign debt, and provide concrete alternatives to austerity measures and neoliberal exit strategies
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Event |

The EU's approach to Somalia

The EU's engagement in Somalia constantly increases. The EU conducts a Anti-Piracy mission (ATALANTA) and is financing a huge part of international aid for the country. Since less than a year the EU is also engaged in training of Somali security forces aiming at shifting the balance of power to the benefit of the Transitional Federal Gove…
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Event |

Artists and social inclusion

Throughout Europe many artists have built up in the last twenty years a knowledge of activity and a praxis of their arts in a close dialogue with their audiences at school, in prisons, on the street, in suburbs, but also in milieus where communication has been distorted. Where sense of belonging disappeared, in a village, a region, a city…
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Event |

European Fathers' Congress

The Green group in the European Parliament in cooperation with father interest groups from all over Europe will host the first ever European Fathers´ Congress. At the core of the meeting will be the call for a European minimum standard for paternity leave.
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News |

Green Round-up

For the Greens, the main highlights of the week were the debates and votes on the economic governance pack legislation, on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy, on spent fuel and radiactive waste and on strenghtening the consumer rights. Two committee votes - on implementation of EU legislation and on road safety in Europe - were …
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Press release |

EU summit

Commenting on the outcome of today's EU summit, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "The future of the Euro hangs in the balance but EU leaders are continuing to muddle through and take the path of least resistance. At every step of the Eurozone crisis, EU leaders have acted too late an...