

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Photo by Gonz DDL on Unsplash
Press release |

Commission's energy crisis package must include massive expansion of renewable energies

The European Commission presented a new emergency package aimed at combating the sharp increase in gas prices. The package was published ahead of the energy summit on Thursday and Friday this week. The Greens/EFA Group welcomes the Commission’s proposal for a joint gas purchase tool, but it’s uncertain if this will be enough to reduce gas…
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Dromm CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
EP Strasbourg
News |

EFA MEPs demand better access to mental health

EFA MEPs Ana Miranda and Diana Riba i Giner call on the EU institutions to invest more in Mental Health across state members.
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Policy Paper |

Extraordinary profits mean extraordinary taxes

As Greens/EFA, we have been asking for an ambitious and coordinated approach to ensure the fair redistribution of the extraordinary profits of large corporations across Europe and we are now seeing the first steps of our demands come to life, but we cannot stop. A windfall tax strategy that applies to all sectors is not just needed, it is…
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News |

Diana Riba asks for strong anti-SLAPP legislation to honour Daphne Caruana Galizia

EFA MEP Diana Riba intervened in the debate in memory of Daphne Caruana Galizia; a Maltese journalist murdered five years ago.
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Credit picture Photo European Parliament
Picture of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen
Opinion |

Derailing the Green Deal will weaken the EU’s prosperity

Philippe Lamberts
Opinion by Philippe Lamberts
The Commission President’s own political family is pushing to derail key Green Deal files. To allow it will be a major mistake for EU competitiveness
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Photo European Parliament
Picture of the hemicycle in Strasbourg
News |

Plenary Flash - 17-20 October 2022

On the agenda for the plenary session: COP27, rule of law and media freedom in Malta, alternative fuel infrastructure, general budget for the EU for 2023, Frontex discharge 2020, social and economic consequences of the war in Ukraine and the introduction of a windfall tax
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@Knut Sturm
Forest near Lübeck/Germany
Event |

Ecological forestry in Europe

Most European forests are in bad shape, making them easy prey for pests, diseases and fires. To restore the health of our timber producing forests, we need to manage them in a way that works with nature, not against it. Join us to hear practitioners’ experiences and discuss what it will take to mainstream ecological forestry in Europe.
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Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China CC BY 2.0 edward stojakovic / Flickr
Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China CC BY 2.0 edward stojakovic / Flickr
Event |

Xi Jinping’s China: What should we expect?

Join our conference to discuss the trajectory that China is pursuing under Xi Jinping. Indeed, since the beginning of 2020, China and its relationship with the world have seen unprecedented change. We offer the opportunity to hear analyses from some of the world's best China experts.
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Picture credit : European Parliament
Picture of Terry Reintke
Press release |

Terry Reintke takes the reins as Greens/EFA President

Greens/EFA MEPs have elected Terry Reintke MEP as the new President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament. “I am overwhelmed and delighted by the great trust that the Group has placed in me. Now it's time to get to work, the people of Europe expect European solutions from us." said Terry Reintke after her election.
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Study |

Ecological Forestry In Europe

This report advances principles for such an ecosystem-based forest management. It outlines how these principles can be put into practice, including examples of forests that have transformed to this model. Finally, the report discusses how EU policies can support the transition.