

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Event |

Belo Monte Mega-Dam

Our delegation's visit to the Belo Monte Mega Dam site this year made clear that from the streets of Rio to the upper Amazon, Brazil's social movements are reclaiming their democratic space. With several of the European companies involved facing trials for bribery and corruption related to the rewarding of public contracts in Brazil, we a…
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Press release |

Euro crisis response

A European Parliament inquiry into the role of EU-ECB-IMF troika is set to be launched, with political group leaders expected to give the inquiry the go-ahead at today's Conference of Presidents (1). The Greens/EFA group, which initiated and pushed for the inquiry, welcomed the anticipated decision,...
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Press release |


The Ukrainian parliament today postponed a decision on the medical treatment of imprisoned opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko, while five additional opposition politicians in Ukraine were also charged. Commenting on these developments, and their implications for the EU's Eastern Partnership Summit i...
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Ballot box © Colonel
The right to decide
Event |

The right to decide

 CONFERENCE DOCUMENTATION Watch the recorded video stream Simultaneous interpretation will be provided English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Catalan and Galician DRAFT PROGRAMME 9:00-9:30Registration 9:30-11:00Welcome speech: Jill Evans MEP, EFA Group President Part 1: A recognised right &nbs...
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Event |

2 years left to reach an ambitious climate deal

From 11 to 22 November 2013, the United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Warsaw, Poland. During the previous international climate negotiations, the most pressing issues - especially the necessity for all countries countries to urgently reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to have a chance to limit global warming to les…
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EFA Conference - the Right to Decide

Speakers from Catalonia, Scotland, the Basque Country, Wales, Galicia, and Quebec took part in a conference hosted by the European Free Alliance Group in the European Parliament today on 'The Right to Decide'. The event focussed on the distinctive and different con...
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Press release |

EU budget 2014

The European Parliament and Council last night reached an agreement on the EU's budget for 2014 (1). The Greens have criticised the deal, which will leave the EU again facing shortfalls next year. Commenting on the outcome, Green budgetary spokesperson Helga Trüpel said: "The agreement reached...
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Press release |

EU-US trade negotiations

Negotiations on an EU-US trade and investment partnership (TTIP) restarted today with a second negotiating round in Brussels. The Greens have called for the talks to be frozen in response to ongoing revelations about surveillance by US secret services of EU governments and citizens. The group is als...
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News |

The BEE2BEES Project

The B2B project just launched at EU level aims at developing an open source tool to follow up bee colony losses. Beekeepers can use this application, either on their smartphone or on a computer, to share information about the status of their bees. Regular reports will make it possible for beekeep...
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Event |

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

CONFERENCE DOCUMENTATION     WATCH THE RECORDED VIDEO STREAM OF THE CONFERENCE Greens/EFA draft resolution on the “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” (TTIP) agreement with the United States. A Greens/EFA contribution to the round table on TTIP organis...