

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EFA Group elects new President

The European Free Alliance (EFA) Group in the European Parliament has elected Josep Maria Terricabras of Catalunya as its new President. The EFA Group is made up of MEPs from stateless nations, regions and minorities. The EFA Group in the European Parliament works for self-determination for nations ...
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© Pierre Lambreth
Who's who © Pierre Lambreth
News |

Up-to-date list of the MEPs for the new legislative period

Here you can find the list and names of MEPs of our group who will enter into office in July
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Press release |

Northern mini-summit

Commenting on the outcome today of the meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in Sweden, Rebecca Harms, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, stated:â€...
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Press release |

G7 summit

Commenting on the outcome of the G7 summit in Brussels, Greens/EFA president Rebecca Harms said: "The failure to stop arms exports to Russia (notably from France and Germany) will prevent the G7 and the EU from developing any coherent Russia strategy. It is unfathomable that the French governme...
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News |

25 years after Tiananmen

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the massacre at Tiananmen Square. The Chinese Government's policy of cover-up has however hardly changed over the years, according to  Green Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Human Rights, Barbara Lochbihler. “On the contrary, again this year we are seein...
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Press release |

G7 summit

Commenting in the context of the G7 summit in Brussels, Greens/EFA president Rebecca Harms said: "While the G7 leaders are meeting in Brussels, the situation in eastern Ukraine continues to escalate. The G7 cannot stand idly by and accept this deterioration, with its inevitable humanitarian con...
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News |

GMO-free EU under threat

Permanent representatives of Member States agreed today on a misleading proposal from the Greek Presidency that pretends to give Member States more freedom to ban GMOs on their territory. With a very weak premise and legal grounds, the proposal may in fact be instrumental  allowing numerous ...
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Press release |

Energy security

Commenting on the proposals by EU energy commissioner Oettinger on energy security, presented today, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: “The crisis in Ukraine has again underlined the need to develop a European strategy to secure our energy supply and reduce our damaging dependence on fo...
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Press release |

Commission presidency

Following the meeting of the European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents of the political groups and ahead of tonight’s meeting of heads of state and government on the election of the European Commission president, Greens/EFA president Rebecca Harms stated: “Presidents of the main political...
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Event |

European election outcome - a Green perspective

The press conference will give an assessment of the outcome of the European elections. It will also address the coming legislative term in the European Parliament, the outlook for a Green political group and the implications of the election for the presidency of the European Commission.