

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

EU car pollution rules

A much anticipated vote on draft EU rules on testing pollutant emissions from cars, which was foreseen for next week, will be postponed. The decision was taken at the Conference of Presidents of political groups today and was supported by the EPP and S&D political groups. The vote on the proposa...
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Press release |

Belgian nuclear reactors

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament today presented the third study in a series on the Belgian nuclear reactors Doel 3 and Tihange 2, which was commissioned from materials scientist Dr Ilse Tweer. The study presents new information on flaws in the reactor pressure vessels (1) and underli...
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Press release |


The European Commission today announced it is putting Poland under a monitoring procedure under the EU's rule of law framework. The move comes in response to the legal and constitutional changes in Poland regarding the public broadcaster and the judiciary. Commenting on the situation, Greens/EFA co-...
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News |

Better regulation

The Commission 'Better Regulation' package is the centre-piece of its new agenda to change what the Union does, and how it does it. Here is a Green look behind the scenes of this mechanism
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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

Catalonia's journey to independence

EFA MEPs joined colleagues from the European Free Alliance political party to celebrate the formation of a pro-independence government in Catalonia. The Catalan parliament met on Sunday to elect a new head of government, just hours before the deadline for doing so. This follows elections in Cataloni...
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Video |

The circular economy —a transformation for all

Les écologistes estiment que l’économie européenne doit être bénéfique pour les citoyens et la planète. Pour contribuer à créer des emplois, protéger l’environnement et promouvoir la croissance en Europe, l’économie circulaire doit avant tout satisfaire les intérêts des citoyens.
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Video |

The 5 reasons to be concerned about TTIP

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News |

EU General Data Protection Regulation

The new Data Protection Regulation aims at establishing a single level playing field on the ba-sis of high data protection standards, fit for the digital age. As part of the EU’s Digital Single Market it will make it easier for data controllers and users to know what their rights and obligations are and to enforce their rights.
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News |

Greens/EFA Round up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary included preventing approval of a genetically-modified maize variety; car pollution laws and real driving emissions tests; Europe's energy future; updating EU border and coastguard rules; finalising EU data protection reform; EU summit: refugee crisis and Paris attacks top agenda; Dieselgat…
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Press release |

EU arms export rules

The European Parliament today adopted a report setting out its assessment of how EU rules on arms exports are being implemented and how to tighten them up, with a large majority of MEPs voting in favour. Commenting after the vote, Green MEP Bodil Valero, who is the European Parliament's rapporteur/d...