

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Closing the gap in consumer protection

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has welcomed new proposals to give consumers the right to enter into class actions, a long-standing Greens/EFA demand.
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News |

Time for the EU to protect whistleblowers

The need to protect whistleblowers is increasingly recognised at both European and national level. In a recent public consultation done by the European Commission, an overwhelming majority of 96% of respondents agreed that we need legally binding minimum standards on whistleblower protection across the EU.
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© Guillaume Delebarre
Video |

A fair transition away from coal

Europe was built on coal. We all owe a great deal to the people who went down the coal mines each morning. Coal may have run its course, but that energy and skill is needed now more than ever. People from the mining regions have to be at the heart of this transition.
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© Jorge Mendivar
Women in el Salvador
Event |

Our Bodies - Our Lives

It is high time to recognize women’s right to integral health. In El Salvador women suffer from an extreme restriction of their rights to sexual and reproductive health. The Penal Code forbids abortion in all circumstances. Currently, almost 30 women are in the Ilopango prison, condemned to a life in death.
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Press release |

Sad day for Europe

This result shows how big our responsibility is to defend democracy and fundamental rights everywhere in the European Union. It is true, Orbán secured his majority. But we should not forget that the Orbán government managed to silence opposition media, filled a lot of key positions in official institutions with people close to his party a…
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© Udo Weber
23409.greening the streets
Study |

Phasing out away from coal - reinventing European regions

The EU can and should play a role in facilitating transformational change away from coal mining and in particular in mitigating social and economic hardship that may occur in the course of these transitions.
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Event |

Webinar on Slack

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Video |

False emissions ratings are costing billions of Euros to European taxpayers!

Our new report shows that the growing gap between real life CO2 emissions from cars and in lab tests has contributed to a major tax gap on cars. €10 billion in 2016 to be exact. It’s time for EU action!
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Video |

Catalan Political prisoners

EFA MEP Jordi Solé gives an update on the situation in Catalonia at a press conference in the European Parliament, alongside relatives of the political prisoners and exiled politicians, on 26 March 2018.
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car emissions © Mike Schmidt
car emissions_header© Mike Schmidt.jpg
Press release |

European Parliament commits to protecting workers from diesel emissions

"This an important victory in the fight against cancer, the leading cause of work-related deaths in Europe," says Karima Delli.