

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Sebastià comments on dieselgate scandal

As the European Parliament begins its inquiry today into the car emissions scandal, Greens/EFA MEP, Jordi Sebastià called for more transparency and for Europe to learn the lessons. MEP Jordi Sebastià Sebastià this week organised an exchange of views in the European Parliament with Vicente Franco....
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Press release |

Climate change policy

The European Commission today presented a communication giving its first assessment of the implications of the Paris Agreement, concluded at the UN climate summit in December, for climate change policy in the EU. The communication comes ahead of a debate among EU environment ministers on Friday on t...
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Press release |

Car pollution scandal

The European Parliament's inquiry committee, set up to investigate the car pollution scandal, today met for the first time. The committee elected its chair and vice chair and is now set to deliberate for 12 months, holding hearings with key representatives from the European Commission and nation...
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News |

Learning the lessons of 'dieselgate'

EFA MEP Jordi Sebastià wants Europe to learn the lessons of the so-called 'dieselgate' scandal which famously saw car manufacturer Volkswagen exposed for having installed software to manipulate emissions readings from its vehicles. The scandal was originally revealed by the Interna...
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News |

European Commission lobby transparency consultation

The Greens/EFA group welcomes the launch today by the European Commission of a public consultation on the EU lobby transparency register.
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Publication |

Greens/EFA Roadmap for the Committee of Inquiry

Greens/EFA set up a six-step roadmap which aims at establishing the facts, hearing scientists and technology providers, interrogating vehicles manufacturers and investigating whether the EU Commission and Member States authorities failed to act
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News |

Seven Reasons To Ban Glyphosate

What is glyphosate, and why should you be worried about it? Glyphosate is a chemical used in herbicides such as Monsanto's Roundup and recently became the most used agricultural chemical of all time. Despite this, there's a good chance you won't have heard of it, and the chemical giants would probably be happy if it stayed that way.
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Press release |

Toxic substances

The European Commission is proposing the reapproval of the controversial substance glyphosate, which is used as a herbicide among other applications, for use in the EU for a further 15 years. The draft implementing act, which was made available to the European Parliament today, foresees the reappro...
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Press release |

Public health

The European Commission today released its long awaited assessment of an agreement between tobacco companies and the EU. With the PMI agreement set to expire this year (1), the assessment is part of Commission deliberations on whether to renew the agreement before July. The Greens argue that the agr...
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Event |

The Russian Presence in the European Energy Market

ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The objective of the Greens/EFA and Policy Solutions’ joint conference is to investigate and debate Russian energy investments in the EU and their overall impact. As significant portion of Russian FDI are connected to Russian energy exports, the European institutions and Me...