

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include EU rules on money market funds, posted workers, cloned animals and EU food law, money laundering, terrorism funding and the financial system, protecting migrants' lives in Mediterranean. Among Greens/EFA events : hearing on right to water - first successful EU citizens' initiative, conferences …
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Press release |

Shale gas and impact assessments

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted to confirm a legislative agreement revising EU rules on environmental impact assessments (EIAs). The Greens voted against closing the legislative review in first reading, as the agreement with the Council would fail to make EIAs compulsory ...
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News |

Committee rejects draft seed regulation

Today the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development sent a positive signal in support of seed diversity and food security by voting in favour of a resolution calling for the rejection of the draft regulation on Seed production and marketing. The resolution will be voted by the whole Parliame...
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Press release |

GM maize authorisation

EU governments today voted in the General Affairs Council on a proposal by the European Commission to authorise the cultivation of a variety of GM maize in the EU for the first time in 15 years (GM maize 1507). The outcome revealed a majority of EU member states against the authorisation but falling...
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Press release |

EU seed legislation

The European Parliament's agriculture committee today voted in favour of a resolution rejecting draft EU legislation on seeds and seed marketing. The Greens have been pushing for the proposal to be rejected and welcomed the outcome, with agriculture spokesperson Martin Häusling stating: "In vo...
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include seed diversity and EU rules, preventing the spread of mega trucks, tackling airport noise, shale gas, fracking and environmental impact assessments, labelling nano-materials in food, mass surveillance scandal and the EU response, money laundering, terrorism funding and the financial system, a mor…
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary included fighting homophobia, smart grids and decentralised renewables, enforcing EU law, insider trading, trade dumping, EU climate and energy policy to 2030, air passenger rights and compensation, securing basic rights for seasonal workers, winding up failing banks, fatal pushback of refu…
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© Udo Weber
Greening the streets  © Udo Weber
Publication |

A Green Review

During this five-year term, Greens/EFA have been the driving force to promote crisis resilience through social justice, to secure our climate and energy future, to fight for a healthy environment, to defend human rights, social, democratic and digital rights, to promote global solidarity and security and to celebrate cultural diversity in…
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Press release |

Employment and migrants rights

The European Parliament today voted on EU legislation on seasonal workers. The Greens welcomed the outcome, which sets out new EU provisions on the rights of seasonal workers from non-EU countries. Commenting after the vote, Green migration and employment policy spokesperson Jean Lambert said: &quo...
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Press release |

EU climate and energy policy

The European Parliament today adopted a report setting out the EP's position in the debate on the EU's climate and energy policy to 2030. The Greens welcomed the support for binding EU climate and energy targets for 2030, coming just weeks after the Commission presented proposals lacking in ambition...