

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Europe's Roma Community

International Roma Day on April 8 is not just about celebrating Roma culture, it is also intended to highlight the persecution and discrimination that the Roma people face in all aspects of life. The Greens have long fought for an effective strategy on Roma inclusion, and we continue this work as the European Parliament now prepares a res…
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Press release |

Working conditions

The European Parliament will today debate the situation regarding working conditions and the application of the minimum wage for lorry drivers. The European Commission has asked Germany to clarify its application of new minimum wage legislation on lorry drivers carrying out activities within Germany...
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News |

Pesticide Action Week

As pesticide action week is set to begin, one may reflect on the fact that GMOs have been sold primarily as a way of reducing the use of pesticides. Shouldn't we then celebrate this way to reduce our pesticide addiction and embrace a great new agricultural technology? The first point to consider i...
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Event |

The New Hungarian Nuclear Investment, Paks

The building of the new Paks 2 nuclear power plant in Hungary, is not simply the matter of the country's own bad choice of energy mix, but the Hungarian Government's actions are in conflict not only with European principles and values in general, but most probably with European law as well.
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News |

Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

GREEN INSIGHT INTO EU FOOD POLICY Cloning for farming purposes: Greens ask the Commission to come with better proposal EU seed marketing regulation fully withdrawn: The Greens say thank you to the seed savers community. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Food Community supported programmes in the spotlig...
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Press release |

EU summit

EU heads of state and government will meet for a summit on Thursday and Friday, with proposals for a European energy union and relations with Russia at the top of the agenda. Ahead of the summit, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts said: "The energy union should be a f...
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Event |

Greens/EFA meet EU Commissioner Moscovici

European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, Pierre Moscovici, will take part in a public meeting with the Greens/EFA group in a questions-and-answers format with MEPs.
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Video |

Fukushima anniversary

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News |

Fukushima: Time to switch power source

Today marks the 4th year anniversary of the Fukushima earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. In Japan, the situation is far from being back to normal. The health impacts on the local population have increased and the impacts on the local economy are equally threatening. Despite this catastrophe, which shows once again that this energy …
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

New EU rules to make roads safer

Plaid MEP Jill Evans today voted in favour of new EU rules that will make lorries safer and not open the door to massive gigaliner lorries. The MEP, who is a member of the parliament's Transport Committee, said that it would help keep Welsh roads safer, and was good news for the environment. MEPs r...