

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

Greens/EFA plenary session debriefing

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included the climate law, rule of law and fundamental rights mechanism, rule of law and fundamental rights in Bulgaria, multiannual financial framework (MFF) and the rule of law, reinforcing the youth guarantee, forest strategy, approval of McGuinness and Dombrovskis, fight against money launderi…
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poland supreme court (CC BY 2.0) David Berkowitz
poland supreme court
Press release |

Parliament votes for serious action on rule of law

Today, the European Parliament overwhelmingly voted in favour of the Establishment of an EU Mechanism on Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights (DRF). The Parliament vote reaffirms the commitment of MEPs to establish a comprehensive approach to the rule of law instead of ...
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Photo European Parliament - Architecte : Association des architectes du CIC : Vanden Bossche sprl, C.R.V. s.a., CDG sprl, Studiegroep D. Bontinck
Photo Hemicycle Brussels
News |

Plenary Flash October I 2020

During this week plenary session, the European Parliament will debate and vote on the climate law, the rule of law mechanism, the Multiannual Financial Framework, the forest strategy, the fight against money laundering, ...
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News |

My content my rights

Was your online account ever blocked or your content unfairly removed by an online platform? If you felt your rights were violated, share your experience on our “take-down wall of shame”, and empower yourself by contributing to the future EU rules for user rights and big tech.
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Women and child looking out window
Opinion |

The EU Commission’s Renovation Wave must put people first

Ciarán Cuffe
Opinion by Ciarán Cuffe
Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and the renovation rate in Europe is a win-win. It’s a chance to tackle poverty, create jobs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, says Ciarán Cuffe, Greens/EFA MEP and rapporteur on the European Parliament’s report: ‘Maximising the energy efficiency of the EU Building stock’.
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Opinion |

Housing rights before market interests, for a socially just recovery

Kim Van Sparrentak
Opinion by Kim Van Sparrentak
Our housing system is not working for people. Across Europe, from Paris to Warsaw, Dublin to Athens, an increasing number of people in the EU are struggling to afford the rising costs of housing. Greens/EFA MEP Kim van Sparrentak is leading a report in the European Parliament to tackle the housing crisis.
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Event |

No community left behind

The transition away from fossil-fuel-based economies is starting, and it has the potential to create new jobs and new resources for Europe. Join our MEPs Mounir Satouri and Henrike Hahn for this chat to discuss how to safeguard social and economic justice in the transition.
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Paper work, Office Work, Contract signature
Press release |

Parliament pushes through EU-wide class action in deal on collective redress

"This directive fills the legal vacuum in the EU consumer legislation. With such new ground breaking instrument European consumers will no longer be left on their own, like in the Volkswagen emission cheating scandal. Empowering consumers and citizens is the way of the future." declared Heidi Hautala, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur on the f…
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Womens wheelchair basketball / Audi Nissen
Picture of women in  wheelchair playing basketball
Press release |

Discrimination has to stop: European Parliament to vote on resolution for strong Disability Strategy

Today, (Thursday 18 June) on the initiative of Katrin Langensiepen, Greens/EFA MEP, the European Parliament will vote on a resolution that calls on the Commission to put forward a comprehensive, ambitious and long-term post-2020 European Disability Strategy.
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Covid-19 frontline workers
Press release |

Commission agrees to additional protections for frontline workers

Member States will be required to include written instructions for workers in order to protect them in the workplace. The Commission will report back to the European Parliament on this revision by the end of 2020. This follows the demands of the Greens/EFA group to improve protections for frontline workers potentially exposed to the virus…