

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Publication |

EU-Turkey relations

It's now been five years since the EU Member States opened accession negotiations with Turkey. The Greens/EFA group calls on the Member States to maintain their common commitment in the EU-Turkey negotiation process and to come back to a coherent policy vis à vis Turkey
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Press release |

Ukraine - Tymoshenko trial

Commenting on the ruling against former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms and Green MEP Werner Schulz said: "This politically-motivated ruling is a backwards step for the rule of law in the Ukraine and a blow to EU-Ukraine rapprochement. Nobody sh...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

e-fa: News Round-Up September 2011

Key issues over the past few weeks included: Oriol elected party leader Plaid Conference Developments in the Basque peace process Welcome for transaction tax announcement SNP disappointment at fish quota proposals Call for ban on eggs from caged hens Strong backing for Palestinian statehood Eu...
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News |

Plenary Round-up

The Green priorities for the plenary session were the situation in Palestine, the economic governance package of legislation, the EU-Morocco fisheries agreement and Western Sahara, road safety, the debate on the State of the Union...
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Press release |

Controversial dam in Brazil (Belo Monte)

The European Parliament adopted a report this week on dam construction, which included a call to halt the construction of a controversial hydro-electric project in Belo Monte, in the Amazon region Brazil. Yesterday, a court in Brazil also ruled that construction should be halted. The Greens welcomed...
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Press release |

EU-Morocco fisheries agreement/Western Sahara

The European Parliament today voted against a proposal to refer the controversial EU-Morocco fisheries agreement (1) to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to assess its compatibility with the EU treaties and international law. The initiative was launched by Catalan Green MEP Raül Romeva and would ...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on Palestine in the context of the current bid for UN recognition of the Palestinian state. The Greens welcomed the strong majority in favour of the resolution, which represents a clear message on how the EU should orient itself to supporting Palest...
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News |

Controversial dam in Brazil (Belo Monte)

The European Parliament adopted a report this week on dam construction, which included a call to halt the construction of a controversial hydro-electric project in Belo Monte, in the Amazon region Brazil. Yesterday, a court in Brazil also ruled that construction should be halted. The Greens wel...
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Press release |

EU must step up support for Basque peace process

MEPs from the European Free Alliance Group in the European Parliament have called on the EU to step up its support for the Basque peace process following recent developments. MEPs François Alfonsi (Corsica) and Frieda Brepoels (Flanders) have raised the issue in the European Parliament and both are...
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Video |

Middle East peace process

Israel has to understand that it is in it's own interest that there be a Palestinian state and that right now leaders like Abbas are irreplaceable. Israel wants talks without pre-conditions, but Israel is changing the conditions on the ground. Hundreds of thousands or Israeli's are opposed to Mr. Netanyahu's policies. Madame Ashton, you …