

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU appeal for Kurdish activist Leyla Zana

MEPs, including some from the European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament, have called on the EU to intervene in the case of Kurdish activist Leyla Zana.Ms Zana, a human rights activist and member of the Turkish parliament, was sentenced to ten years imprisonment last week on a charge of...
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News |

Forever Putin?

The mass protests since the falsified Duma election last December have changed Russia. The country’s political system is more fragile than ever. The politics of the street appear exhausted.  With Vladimir Putin back in the President's chair for the first EU-Russia summit of his third term, Gr...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU urged to press for u-turn over 'barbarous' Mugabe

The European Union is being urged to put pressure on United Nations tourism chiefs to rethink their appointment of one of the world’s most brutal dictators as an international envoy. Scottish MEP Alyn Smith has written to EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Baroness Ashton asking her to formall...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a resolution criticising the political situation and rights abuses in Azerbaijan, ahead of the Eurovision song contest. The Greens welcomed the outcome and the large majority voting in favour, with Green foreign affairs spokesperson Ulrike Lunacek stating: "...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the situation in the Ukraine, highlighting the problems with human rights and political repression. Commenting on the outcome, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "The EP has today strongly criticised Ukrainian president Yanukovich a...
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Event |

Co-Presidents' session briefing

During the Strasbourg Plenary session briefing, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms present the key issues of the plenary session for the Greens/EFA group
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Dialogue for peace in northern Mali

Corsican MEP François Alfonsi has welcomed an initial dialogue between Malian officials and representatives of the Touareg movement at the European Parliament. On the 22 May during a conference at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the Corsican MEP invited representatives of the Touareg movemen...
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News |

Durban Platform - first discussions in Bonn

The second and final week of the climate discussions in Bonn, Germany, has just started. The Greens want the EU to do its utmost to ensure that the new alliance delivers and that we avoid what some call the BAU scenario – Bonn As Usual....
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News |

Think Biodiversity

The United Nations proclaimed today, the 22nd May, the International Day for Biological Diversity to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. In the 20 years since the Rio Earth Summit, much remains to be done to preserve our natural capital. That is why Greens/EFA MEPs have...
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Publication |

Situation in Ukraine and the case of Yulia Tymoshenko

The European Parliament, – having regard to its previous resolutions on Ukraine, in particular its resolution on the case of Yulia Tymoshenko of 9 June 2011(1) and its resolution on current developments in Ukraine of 27 October 2011(2), – having regard to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreemen...