

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Video |

Food Crisis

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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

e-fa News Round-Up January 2011

The European Free Alliance (EFA) draws together political parties fighting for democracy and self-determination for the stateless nations and regions of Europe. European Free Alliance MEPs sit in a European parliamentary group with the Greens, making up the fourth largest group in the European parl...
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Publication |

Who should have the right to fish?

Marine resources are a public good, not a private resource. The right to exploit those resources, therefore, should be allocated according to criteria that ensure that fishing contributes as far as possible to the public interest. Greens think that the right to fish should be based on environmental and social criteria.
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Press release |

Milk sector reform

The European Commission today presented its dairy package, outlining proposals for reform of the milk sector in response to concerns by dairy farmers, notably on fair prices. The Greens believe the proposals point in the right direction but fall short in a number of crucial areas. In response to the...
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Publication |

CAP reform 2013 - Green growth or Green deal?

Greens want a common agricultural and rural policy which enhances the engagement of citizens for environmental protection, animal welfare and fair trade; which recognises the right of farmers and rural workers to gain a decent income for producing healthy food and environmental stewardship they provide to society
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News |

The End of the Road at ICCAT

ICCAT is over for another year and the diplomats have gone home. The entire meeting lasted for nine days and there were no serious discussions on the bluefin fishery on the floor of the meeting until the afternoon of the last day. ICCAT failed spectacularly to salvage its honour on bluefin tuna.
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Press release |

International fisheries talks (ICCAT)

The annual meeting of ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) ended today in Paris after intense, clandestine negotiations. The Greens criticised the outcome on bluefin tuna, with the talks agreeing a total allowable catch far higher than that necessary to protect the species from collapse.
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Press release |

CAP reform

The European Commission today presented its communication on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy. The Greens broadly welcomed the direction of the communication, although noted the lack of detailed proposals makes thorough analysis difficult. Commenting on the communication, Green MEP and v...
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Press release |

Cloned food

The European Commission today presented proposals on food from clones, including a proposal for a temporary 5-year ban. The Greens welcomed that the Commission finally recognises the serious concerns with cloning, but regret that the proposal fails to include food from the offspring of cloned animal...
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Press release |

EU proposals for temporary ban on cloned food welcomed

The European Commission has today (Tuesday) presented proposals on food production from cloned animals, including a proposal for a temporary five year ban.The establishment of a traceability system for imports of reproductive materials for clones, such as semen and embryos of clones is also envisage...